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When you first create a new character and log into the server of your choice, many elements of the user interface are visible. The quickbar is at the bottom of the screen in the center.

Your character starts out with a sample population of icons in his/her quickbar. The Auto-Attack icon; a few weapon icons; a spell or two (if you are a caster); the search, heal and repair skills; and a few of your class feats, if you have any; will all be auto-loaded into the quickbar to give you quick access to the things you are likely to need first and most frequently.

On the left side of the quickbar there is a button that can be used to detach one row of quickbuttons from the main quickbar. On the left side of any row of quickbuttons there are two small buttons, one used to re-attach the row to the main quickbar, and the other used to turn the quickbuttons 90 degrees to the side, standing the row on end.

Your quickbar starts out with 10 rows of quickbuttons, which you can cycle through using the buttons on the right side of the quickbar, or by using the Ctrl key and the number of the row you wish to access.

If you have any rows of quickbuttons detached, only the active row will be tied to the number keys at the top of the keyboard. The active row is highlighted by a white border. You can change the selected row by pressing the Ctrl key and the number of the row you wish to activate.

The quickbar positions and contents can be locked and unlocked with Ctrl+=.