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Icon Quench.png
Name: Quench
School: Transmutation (Cold)
Spell Level: Blc 3, Drd 3
Components: VerbalIcon tooltip.pngVerbal: A verbal component is a spoken incantation. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot act or speak. Certain rare spells, such as Silence Creature, may temporarily disable spells that require verbal components., SomaticIcon tooltip.pngSomatic: A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot move causing arcane spell failure resulting in a ruined spell. Spells without a somatic component may be used with disregard to Arcane Spell Failure chance. Note - that characters make the same arm gestures for most spells in DDO, so you can't tell which spells require this component by watching your character's animations.
Spell Point Cost: 10
Metamagic: Embolden, Empower, Enlarge, Heighten, Intensify, Maximize, Quicken
Target: Friend, Self, Foe, Positional, Breakable
Range: Standard
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates penalties and halves damage
Spell Resistance: Yes
Cooldown: 3 seconds


A burst of water quenches flames. Lingering fire spells, such as Wall of Fire, are dispelled. Your allies are cured of any linger fire damage effects, and receive a +15 enhancement bonus to fire resistance. Your enemies receive a -20 penalty to cold and electricity resistance. The resistance bonuses and penalties increase to 25 at caster level 8, and 35 at caster level 12. They last one minute.

Fiery enemies, such as Fire Elementals, take 2d4+25 cold damage per 4 caster levels, to a maximum of 8d4+100. A successful fortitude save halves the damage, and negates the resistance penalties.


Legendary Green Steel active augment: QuenchIcon tooltip.pngQuench
Caster level: 16
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)