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Producer letter/July 2013

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Introduction! And a brief Producer's Letter.[edit]

Hello! I’m (former director) Aaron Campbell, the new Franchise Director for Dungeons & Dragons Online.

Some of you may know me from The Lord of the Rings Online where I’ve managed production (most recently as Senior Producer) since 2006. In reality I’ve only moved about four rows over, so I’m closer to Erik Boyer (Senior Producer Glin) than Kate Paiz (Executive Producer for LOTRO). Like always, I still see them both every morning.

My first day on the job, the DDO team gave me a trivia challenge. I’ve been playing D&D for almost 30 years now, but I barely passed. It went something like this….

Q: What is your favorite edition of D&D?

A: AD&D 1st Edition, although I started with the red box “Basic” set.

Q: What is your favorite class?

A: Paladin (the 1st Edition version, complete with vow of poverty)

Q: What is your favorite setting?

A: Dragonlance… no, Planescape. Auuugghh!*

We’ve got a great year planned for you, headed into 2014. Here are some highlights.

Update 19: The Shadowfell Conspiracy! Level cap to 28, new adventure areas in Wheloon and the Stormhorn mountains, and of course new Iconic races.

Update 20 (late 2013): Epic True Reincarnation! (We’re still gathering your feedback and input)

Update 21 (early 2014): A new threat (complete with multiple dragons), and a tribute to a classic Forgotten Realms module.

And more…

The team is thrilled to be going strong after over 7 years online, especially as we approach Dungeons & Dragons 40th Anniversary in 2014. We owe our success to you, our dedicated fans. Thank you for loving this game – we’ll keep making it bigger and better.

*All respect to Monty Python.

Source: DDO Forums

Producer's letters