Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Producer letter/January 2012
Announcing DDO: Menace of the Underdark[edit]
Hi everyone!
I am very excited today to share the news of DDO's first ever premium expansion 'Menace of the Underdark' which will be releasing to our players in just a few months during Summer 2012!
This will be the biggest release we've ever done for DDO and it is loaded with many long-time top player requested features including an increase in the level cap into Epic levels to a new cap of 25, the introduction of the Druid class, and our first-ever adventures set in the Forgotten Realms setting!
Please check out our new 'Menace of the Underdark' web site to find out more.
We will plan to add more information and assets to the site over the next few months and also roll out some forums discussion threads and dev diaries to let you get a peek at some of our plans.
That is just the beginning of lots of good things coming to DDO in 2012! I hope you are as excited as we are for what we expect to be DDO's best year yet! Please help us spread the word to others who might be interested and stay tuned for more details coming soon!
Happy year of the dragon ! -(former producer) Fernando.
PS We have a big XP boost in-game this weekend to celebrate our big announcement and the start of the year of the Dragon ! It should help those of us who have some characters to level and get ready to face the dangers we will face in the Underdark!
Source: DDO Forums