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Name: Ormar

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): House Kundarak


Description: <Caravan Master>

Notes: He transports you between the House Kundarak Enclave and The Red Fens, and vice-versa. You can tell it's him because he's standing in a puddle of swamp water from the fens.

House Kundarak Enclave[edit]

If you try to talk to him while at level 5 or lower, he will reply:

  • Ormar: Hmmm, I'm afraid I can't help you, <race>.
  • Ormar: I'm supposed to bring seasoned adventurers to the Red Fens to help sort out the situation there. But it looks like you're still a bit green to survive in that swamp!
  • Ormar: Come back when you have some more experience under your belt!

If you are at level 6 or higher, however, he will reply:

  • Ormar: Hello there, adventurer! Looking for work? I'll take you to the Red Fens so you can help House Kundarak with their pearl problem.
  • Ormar: Sahuagin have destroyed the village that produces swamp pearls for Kundarak, and so we're searching for capable warriors to deal with the fish-folk.
  • Ormar: What do you say? Want to travel to the Red Fens?
    • You: Take me to the Red Fens (Transport)
    • You: Swamp pearls? What are swamp pearls?
      • Ormar: Haven't you heard of House Kundarak's famous swamp pearls? We sell 'em to rich folk all over the world, from Sharn to Shae Cairdal.
      • Ormar: Thing is, House Kundarak has only one supplier for these pearls - the Raveneye clan, a bunch od Drow out in the Red Fens. And now the sahuagin have attacked the Raveneye and just about wiped 'em out!
        • You: Take me to the Red Fens (Transport)

The Red Fens[edit]

When you talk to him, he will say:

  • Ormar: Well met, adventurer. Ready to return to Stormreach?
    • You: Yes, please take me back to the House Kundarak enclave. (Transport)