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Opu the Elder

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Opu the Elder.jpg

Name: Opu the Elder

Race: Wildman

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): Slavers of the Shrieking Mines

Location: The Restless Isles, in the Wildmen Foothold

Wildmen Foothold[edit]

If you try to talk to him while at level 7[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"7" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] or lower, he will reply:

  • Opu the Elder: ????????????????

If you are at level 8 or higher, however, he will reply:

  • Opu the Elder: The creature bares its teeth and growls. It appears ready to strike at the slightest provocation.
    • You: (Diplomacy) Creature, I mean you no harm. You possess stone fragments that I need to defeat a great evil.
      • Opu the Elder: Yes, the shards. Men from the sky came to me, seeking the shards. My warriors killed them... we ate well that night. But now my people are missing...
      • You: Missing? I can help you find them... and you can give me the shards when I return.
      • Opu the Elder: The Shapeless ones stole my people away, forced them to mine crystal in the shrieking mines. I do not know what their purpose is, and I do not care. I want my people to return to me and for the Shapeless Ones and their lackeys to die.
        • You: I will find your people and return them to you. I promise. (Bestow quest)
    • You: (Haggle) I've traveled far to these lands and need supplies. Can you help me?
      • Opu the Elder: The creature spits on the ground. We have yet to trade names and you wish to trade goods? We do not know you. You have no name.
      • You: I am sorry, shaman. Tell me what I must do to earn your trust.
      • Opu the Elder: The Shapeless ones stole my people away, forced them to mine crystal in the shrieking mines. I do not know what their purpose is, and I do not care. I want my people to return to me and for the Shapeless Ones and their lackeys to die.
        • You: I will find your people and return them to you. I promise. (Bestow quest)
    • You: (Intimidate) Unless you want to meet your doom, it's best for you to lay down your weapon and start talking.
      • Opu the Elder: The creature chuckles. Or what? You'll kill me? My people are all around, ready to strike you down. Your threats mean nothing here, foreigner.
        • You: Back away from the creature. (Walk away)

Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make he say:

  • Opu the Elder: Do not return until your mission is complete. Until then, you are nothing to us but a potential meal!
    • You: Back away from the creature. (Walk away)
    • You (if Warforged): I think you'll find me a bit too hard to digest, creature.

On completion of quest, if you have the Horrid Golden Figurine in your inventory, he will congratulate you with the following:

  • Opu the Elder: You return? I cannot believe you braved the mines and survived to see another day. Tell me, were you successful in your quest?
  • You: Yes. And I found this while exploring a crystal chasm. Show Opu the golden figurine.
  • Opu the Elder: The Goddess is pleased by the blood you spilled and saw fit to protect you during your quest. Keep her by your side, and take the sigil as well, for you did what you promised and now I honor our agreement. The creature reveals a handful of ancient stone fragments.
  • You: The slaves are free but I feel that the 'Shapeless Ones' have greater plans than a simple mining operations.
  • Opu the Elder: Then fight them, for that is your destiny... the bones have shown me this to be true. I give you the name 'Traveler of the Skies' in honor of your deeds.
  • You: Take the shards and leave the creature.

On completion of quest, if you do not have the figurine, he will congratulate you with the following:

  • Opu the Elder: Even now my people come back to the tribe. You did what you promised and now I honor our agreement. The creature reveals a handful of ancient stone fragments.
  • You: The slaves are free but I feel that the 'Shapeless Ones' have greater plans than a simple mining operations.
  • Opu the Elder: Then fight them, for that is your destiny... the bones have shown me this to be true. I give you the name 'Traveler of the Skies' in honor of your deeds.
  • You: Take the shards and leave the creature.

After completing the quest and taking the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:

  • Opu the Elder: My people thank you for rescuing them. I thank you as well. But still, you are not one of us. Do not expect things to change.
  • You: I wish I could teach you the value of friendship, but I respect your judgment and wish your people well.