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Odonis Arkim

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Odonis Arkim.jpg

Name: Odonis Arkim

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): The Undying Court

Location: House Phiarlan Enclave, northwest corner near the caravan behind the Chapterhouse

Description: <Farshifter>

Notes: He transports you between House Phiarlan Enclave and The Shrouded Vale.

House Phiarlan Enclave[edit]

If you try to talk to him before talking to Avanti Moonwillow, he will reply:

  • Odonis Arkim: Did Priestess Moonwillow send you?
  • Odonis Arkim: No? I require her permission before I am able to help you.
  • Odonis Arkim: She can be found in the Golden Wing.

If you talk to him after acquiring the quest The Faithful Departed, however, he will reply:

  • Odonis Arkim: I assume Priestess Moonwillow told you everything you need to know about the Temple of the Ancients.
  • Odonis Arkim: Let me know when you are ready to depart for the Shrouded Vale.
  • You: I'm ready to leave.