Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Norogorn Thaq

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NPC NorogornThaq.jpg

Name: Norogorn Thaq

Race: Half-Orc

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): The Gatekeepers


  • The Gatekeepers' Grove, near the center of the Grove
  • The Twelve, on Eastern side, with quest givers, near base of ramp leading to entrance to the Vale of Twilight

Description: Provides transport (in both directions) between the Twelve and the Hall of Heroes (for easy access to the U39 quests White Plume Mountain and Other Tales)

Can provide two-way teleportation services:

Prior to U46, this NPC was located in the Hall of Heroes.