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Mind Block

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Mind Block: Some powerful influence has a hold on this creature's mind. As a result, this creature has immunity to most mind-affecting spells and abilities


Certain Monster Champions are granted Mind Block as a champion buff:

  • Tier 1: Pandemonium
  • Tier 2: Aboreian, Cruel Soul, Mark of Law

Creature Entries[edit]

The following creatures have been confirmed to have Mind Block:

  1. Kudgel
  2. Stone Guardian
  3. Fiendish Fire Bat
  4. Fire Bat Detonator
  5. Infected Ogre
  6. Infected Troll
  7. Infected Minotaur
  8. Sharn Cranium Rat Pactmaster
  9. Sharn Cranium Rat
  10. Templeton
  11. Aureon Experiment
  12. Aureon Experiment (red-named)