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Lunar and Solar Gems

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Lunar and Solar Gems are a crafting system introduced in Update 69 with the Magic of Myth Drannor expansion. The system, currently found only on Myth Drannor loot, uses special versions of standard Augment Slots to allow players to customise items with Profane, Artifact and Legendary bonuses.

Items using this crafting system include special Moon and Sun Augment Slots, which are accessed in a similar manner to standard augment slots (including the ability to be removed from a slot using a Jeweler's Tool Kit.) Players can slot Lunar and Solar Gems, respectively, into these slots, to provide their bonuses. Like named items, Lunar and Solar Gems have a chance to drop in the loot lists of specific quests.

Lunar Gems largely provide Profane bonuses, while Solar Gems largely provide Artifact bonuses, but certain special augments instead provide special types of bonuses (certain powerful Solar Gems use Legendary bonuses when those are also used in named item sets, while certain Lunar Gems provide Enhancement bonuses to stats such as Negative Amplification that typically use Profane bonuses.) Lunar and Solar Gems stack with the other type of augment (in cases where a benefit is found in both sets of augments) but do not stack with other augments of the same type.

Lunar and Solar Gems are designed as an alternative to named item sets. Myth Drannor introduced heroic (ML:1) and legendary (ML:31) gems; epic gems (ML:21) are reportedly planned in future content. Lunar and Solar Gems were also included with the next adventure pack, Fall of the Night Brigade; it is as of yet unclear whether the system will completely replace named item sets or if other alternatives will also be offered.


Sun and Moon augment slots are designed to appear on dedicated equipment slots. NOTE on drop rates in Fall of Night Briagde: Night Brigade drop table most likely places augments in two categories, common and rare. Thus certain sun/moon augments may drop at higher rate (I have found 10 profane charisma in 4 X 100~ runs (ran each of them 100 times), yet a solar heroic MRR CAP gem was an unusual surprise to me in R6 Wizard's Labyrinth. Similarly found a Solar heroic Endurance gem in Rats Cage only once and a Solar heroic Sneak attack Dice gem (not SA damage, but +1 artifact SA dice) in Knife's edge R6.

Augment slot Equipment slot List
Sun Armor, Helm, Cloak, Goggle, Trinket Sun augment slot items
Moon Gloves, Bracers, Belt, Necklace, Boots Moon augment slot items
Neither Ring, Rune Arm, Quiver, Ammunition, Weapon/Shield
devs intend to keep it that way in future updates

Lunar Gems[edit]

Augment Name Heroic ML Legendary ML Augment effects Heroic value Legendary value Rare Drop location
Accuracy 01 31 Profane Bonus to Attack Rolls +1 +4 The Safehold, Rats in a Cage
Charisma 01 31 Profane Bonus to Charisma +2 +4 Death Hosts This Banquet, The Wizard's Labyrinth
Constitution 01 31 Profane Bonus to Constitution +2 +4 Oghma's Song, Rats in a Cage
Dexterity 01 31 Profane Bonus to Dexterity +2 +4 Voices of the Dead, The Knife's Edge
Healing Amplification 01 31 Profane Bonus to Healing Amplification +10 +30 Ruins of Myth Drannor (Yegora's chest), The Darkness and the Light
Intelligence 01 31 Profane Bonus to Intelligence +2 +4 The House of Gems, The Wizard's Labyrinth
Magical Protection 01 31 Profane Bonus to Magical Resistance Rating +10 +30 Book Burning
Melee Power 01 31 Profane Bonus to Melee Power +5 +15 The Zulkir's Plan
Natural Armor 01 31 Profane Bonus to Natural Armor +5 +10 Ettercap Incursion
Negative Amplification 01 31 Enhancement Bonus to Negative Amplification +10 +30 Ruins of Myth Drannor (Goranathanil's chest)
Physical Protection 01 31 Profane Bonus to Physical Resistance Rating +10 +30 Portal to Below
Ranged Power 01 31 Profane Bonus to Ranged Power +5 +15 Times Long Past
Repair Amplification 01 31 Profane Bonus to Repair Amplification +10 +30 Ruins of Myth Drannor (Yegora's chest) (Goranathanil's chest)
Spell Difficulty 01 31 Profane Bonus to Spell DCs +1 +3 Seeds of Decay, The Wizard's Labyrinth
Spellpower 01 31 Profane Bonus to each Spell Power (i.e. Potency) +15 +25 The Key to the Mythal
Strength 01 31 Profane Bonus to Strength +2 +4 Seeds of Decay, Rats in a Cage
Swift Charging 01 31 Profane Bonus to Rune Arm Charge Speed +5% +15% Book Burning
Weapon Damage 01 31 Profane Bonus to Damage Rolls +1 +4 Secrets of the Red Wizards, The Knife's Edge
Wisdom 01 31 Profane Bonus to Wisdom +2 +4 Ettercap Incursion, The Darkness and the Light

Solar Gems[edit]

Augment Name Heroic ML Legendary ML Augment effects Heroic value Legendary value Rare Drop location
Armor Layers 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Armor Class +5% +15% Voices of the Dead
Assassination 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Assassinate DC +1 +3 Book Burning
Charisma 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Charisma +2 +4 Ettercap Incursion
Constitution 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Constitution +2 +4 Seeds of Decay
Cruelty 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Damage to Helpless Enemies +5% +15% Yes Oghma's Song, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Dexterity 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Dexterity +2 +4 Portal to Below
Dodge 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Dodge +3% +10% The House of Gems
Doubleshot 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Doubleshot +5% +15% Portal to Below, The Knife's Edge
Doublestrike 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Doublestrike +5% +15% Ettercap Incursion, Rats in a Cage
Enduring 01 31 Legendary Bonus to Maximum Hit Points +5% +10% Yes Secrets of the Red Wizards, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Fortification Bypass 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Fortification Bypass +10% +30% Yes Ruins of Myth Drannor (Goranathanil's chest), Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Fortitude 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Fortitude Saves +1 +3 Times Long Past
Healing Amplification 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Healing Amplification +10 +30 The Zulkir's Plan
Imbuement 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Imbue Dice +1 +3 Yes Voices of the Dead, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Intelligence 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Intelligence +2 +4 Oghma's Song
Magical Resistance Rating 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Magical Resistance Rating +10 +30 The Safehold, The Darkness and the Light
Melee Power 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Melee Power +5 +15 The Key to the Mythal
MRR Cap 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Magical Resistance Rating Cap +10 +30 Yes Ruins of Myth Drannor (red-named rare encounter chests), Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Negative Amplification 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Negative Amplification +10 +30 Secrets of the Red Wizards
Physical Resistance Rating 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Physical Resistance Rating +10 +30 Secrets of the Red Wizards, The Darkness and the Light
Ranged Power 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Ranged Power +5 +15 Seeds of Decay
Reflex 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Reflex Saves +1 +3 Book Burning
Repair Amplification 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Repair Amplification +10 +30 Voices of the Dead
Sneak Attack Damage 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Sneak Attack Damage +1 +3 Death Hosts This Banquet, The Knife's Edge
Sneak Attack Dice 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Sneak Attack Dice +1 +3 Yes Ruins of Myth Drannor (Goranathanil's chest or red-named rare encounter chests), Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Spell Critical Chance 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Spell Critical Chance +2% +6% Yes Ruins of Myth Drannor (Yegora's chest), The Wizard's Labyrinth, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Spell Critical Damage 01 31 Legendary Bonus to Spell Critical Damage +5% +15% The Zulkir's Plan
Spell DCs 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Spell DCs +1 +3 Portal to Below
Spell Penetration 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Spell Penetration +3 +10 Times Long Past
Spellpower 01 31 Artifact Bonus to each Spell Power (i.e. Potency) +15 +25 Oghma's Song, The Wizard's Labyrinth
Strength 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Strength +2 +4 The House of Gems
Strikethrough 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Strikethrough +5% +15% Yes Death Hosts This Banquet, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Swift Charging 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Rune Arm Charge Rate +5% +15% Yes The Safehold, Magic of Myth Drannor saga rewards
Tactical DCs 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Tactical DCs +1 +3 The Key to the Mythal
Threat Decrease 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Threat Reduction
(note: currently only affects melee threat; unclear if this is WAI)
+10% +20% Ruins of Myth Drannor (Yegora's chest)
Threat Increase 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Threat Increase
(note: currently only affects melee threat; unclear if this is WAI)
+50% +100% Ruins of Myth Drannor (Goranathanil's and Yegora's chests)
Will 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Will Saves +1 +3 Death Hosts This Banquet
Wisdom 01 31 Artifact Bonus to Wisdom +2 +4 The Safehold

See also[edit]