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Bags allow you to store many of the same type of item without cluttering up your inventory space.

Bags are either Exclusive but not bound (Medium and Large bags acquired from in-game sources) or Bound to CharacterIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character: This item is Bound to Character, but not exclusive (The smallest in-game bags, and those for sale on the DDO Store).

You can carry a DDO Store medium bag and a normal medium bag in your inventory at the same time, but can have only one of each type of exclusive bag in your inventory. This restriction does not apply to the character bank and account-wide shared bank.

Adding a bound item to a bag makes it show as Bound (to Character or Account, as appropriate) until the bound items within it are removed.

Using bags[edit]

When you first get the bags, double click to open them. You can manually drag/drop items into the bag, or use the Gather button to collect all appropriate items (that will fit the capacity) from your character inventory to that bag.

All bags also have the ability to "Auto Gather" the items that they store; i.e. most* items that go into bags will do so automatically when they hit your character's inventory, without the need to open the bag. Click that box to turn this feature on, unclick it to turn it off (which can be desirable when Crafting). Be aware that this also occurs if you move items from your bank's Crafting Storage to a character's personal inventory.

* Minor bug: Some few items (e.g. Commendations of Valor) are bugged and must be manually Gathered into the appropriate bag
  • Minor bug: Bags will not automatically accept new multiple items if the number would exceed their capacity. E.G. Your Tiny Ingredients Bag has a max capacity of 1,000 of any item. If it currently holds 950 of an item, and you collect another 51(+), those will go into inventory and not into your bag. Manually "gathering" will collect as many as the bag can hold up to its max, leaving the remainder loose in Inventory.
  • Note: Quivers have this same ability with arrows and bolts (only).


When taking items out of a bag, you can, of course, drag/drop items to specific desired slots in your inventory, or to your bank or crafting storage. You can also double-click the item, and it will jump to the first open slot in your character's inventory. However, if you prefer to empty the entire contents of a Collectables (red) or Ingredients (green) bag into your crafting storage, you can drag/drop the bag itself to that area; the entire contents will be automatically transferred, and the bag can then be returned to your inventory (as the bag is an "item" and will not be accepted into that section of your Bank).

(If you have items that you wish to keep in your bag, you must decide whether it's faster to transfer them all and then recover those you did not wish to transfer, or to transfer select items one at a time.)

Basic bags for new characters[edit]

New characters (including those that have recently True Reincarnated) can get up to 4 bags for free immediately, simply by speaking to the correct NPCs. You don't have to actually "ask" for the bag, simply following the dialogue will provide it to you.

  • Note: You can only have one (1) of these bags in your Inventory at any time. If you already own one (from a previous life or other source) and have it in your inventory when you speak to these NPC's, you will not be given another and not be able to ask again! If you want another, drop the old one off in your bank before speaking to them for the first time on a new life. (Since most players will buy/acquire larger bags at some point, this is usually only relevant for the Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account Small Ingredients bag (cap 30), as others are Bound to CharacterIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character: This item is Bound to Character.)

To get these bags...

From Korthos, go to The Harbor (by speaking to Valeria Sinderwind, on the Korthos docks). Follow the pier (a little south, then west); at the foot of the pier, speak to Baudry Cartamon. From there, run up the ramps and steps (west) and then veer left toward some short stairs (south of the entrance to The Wayward Lobster), to talk to Fitzpat the Fence. From there, continue uphill, turning right (north) and speak to Felix d'Cannith*, near the gate to The Marketplace.
The last bag, the small (cap 30) Ingredients bag, is a longer run. Get to the area known as The Twelve (easiest is via any Guild Airship, or the gate in the southwest corner of The Marketplace). Go south across the bridge over the lava(!) moat, and into the tower. Once inside, turn left and speak to Jeanselme Brucetius.
(* You can also get this bag from Maker, the greeter in the Crafting Hall in House Kundarak who gives the Cannith Crafting Tutorial. However, acquiring one while getting the other bags in The Harbor is far more convenient for most. Note that you must specifically ask for a bag from Maker, from the choice of several dialogue options.)

List of all bags[edit]

Bag Contents Stack Size Unique Items Type In-game Source
Small Augment Bag Augments 100 15 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive 120 Keepers of the Feather Favor
Medium Augment Bag Augments 100 25 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Large Augment Bag Augments 100 50 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Huge Augment Bag Augments 100 100 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Gargantuan Augment Bag Augments 100 175 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Colossal Augment Bag Augments 100 350 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Dimensional Augment Bag Augments 100 500 BTAIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account, Non-Exclusive none
Small Collectables Bag Collectibles 1000 12 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive NPC Baudry Cartamon in The Harbor
Medium Collectables Bag Collectibles 1000 30 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) House P or J vendor
Large Collectables Bag Collectibles 1000 80 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) Planar Shards, very rare chests, end rewards and breakable drop
Huge Collectables Bag Collectibles 1000 200 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Small Gem Bag Gems 1000 6 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive NPC Fitzpat the Fence in The Harbor
Medium Gem Bag Gems 1000 12 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) House P or J vendor
Large Gem Bag Gems 1000 30 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) Planar Shards or Chests
Huge Gem Bag Gems 1000 90 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Tiny Ingredients Bag Ingredients 1000 12 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive NPC in Harbor, Marketplace, or Crafting Hall
Small Ingredients Bag Ingredients 1000 30 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) NPC Jeanselme in The Twelve, or House P or J vendor
Medium Ingredients Bag Ingredients 2500 45 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Large Ingredients Bag Ingredients 2500 80 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive (DDO Store) or ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound (in-game source) Planar Shards, Chests, or The Twelve Favor
Extra Large Ingredients Bag Ingredients 5000 150 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Huge Ingredients Bag Ingredients 5000 250 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Gargantuan Ingredients Bag Ingredients 10000 500 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Colossal Ingredients Bag Ingredients 10000 1000 BTCIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character, Non-Exclusive none
Small Soul Bag Soul Gems 100 20 ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound Crafting Hall, Twelve, Portable Hole, or Amrath vendor
Medium Soul Bag Soul Gems 100 40 ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngExclusive, Unbound Shroud part 3 vendor or any Crafting Hall vendor
See also: DDO Store: Storage Bags for cost and quantities.

Gem bags and Soul (Gem) bags appear identical in color (both the same color blue), but are distinctly different in function.

Augment Bags[edit]

These bags store various Augment gems that you can find in chests, remove from items using a Jeweler's Tool Kit, or purchase from Collectable and other turn-in vendors and the DDO Store.

Update 37 introduced Filigrees (a special type of augment exclusive to Sentient Weapons) that store in Augment bags. (They are also listed in the auction house under augments)

Small Augment Bag[edit]

Medium Augment Bag[edit]

Large Augment Bag[edit]

Huge Augment Bag[edit]

Gargantuan Augment Bag[edit]

Colossal Augment Bag[edit]

Dimensional Augment Bag[edit]

Big bag

Collectables Bags[edit]

These bags store various collectibles that you can find amongst rubble, mushrooms, etc. as well as Eberron Dragonshards. You trade them into various NPC's in exchange for items. There are some collectibles that get used in Crafting, see Stone of Change - Recipes for more information. NOTE: There are over 100 unique collectibles that will fit in a collectibles bag, consider this when purchasing them.

Small Collectables Bag[edit]

Small Collectables Bag

Medium Collectables Bag[edit]

Medium Collectables Bag - The bag's weight is increased as it has collectables stored in it

Large Collectables Bag[edit]

  • * Since these bags are not bound, they may also be found on the Auction House.

Huge Collectables Bag[edit]

Gem Bags[edit]

Gem Bags store Gems that can be found amongst breakables, chest loot, and even embedded in walls. They can be sold to vendors, but currently serve no other purpose.

There are 48 gem types that fit in Gem Bags, so you could collect up to 1000 of each type on a single character holding a Small Gem Bag, a Medium Gem Bag, and a Large Gem Bag; or, a single Huge Gem Bag.

Small Gem Bag[edit]

Small Gem Bag
  • Unique Item Capacity: 6
  • Stack Size: 1,000
  • Acquired from:
    • Given Free by an NPC, Fitzpat the Fence, in Stormreach Harbor. Exclusive, you can carry a DDO Store small bag and a normal small bag in your inventory at the same time. If you already have a Gem Bag of any size with you when you talk to Fitzpat the Fence, you will not receive the free one. If you won't take your bag before first time completing the quest given by the NPC, you will not be able to try that option again.
    • DDO Store, Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire

Medium Gem Bag[edit]

Medium Gem Bag

Large Gem Bag[edit]

Huge Gem Bag[edit]

Ingredients Bags[edit]

Ingredients Bags store ingredients that you use for Green Steel crafting that you gain from The Shroud, Cannith Crafting ingredients like Crafting Essences, Shards and Crafting reagents, Khyber Dragonshard Fragments, Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, Scarabs, trap making parts for Rogues, Epic Shards - Seals - Scrolls, Tokens of the Twelve and their fragments and other assorted crafting related items.

Tiny Ingredients Bag[edit]

  • Unique Item Capacity: 12
  • Stack Size: 1,000
  • Acquired from:
    • Update 10.1: Given free by Fabricators Guild representatives Maker in the Crafting Hall, Felix d'Cannith in The Harbor, or Vertigo in The Marketplace. If you have already received one, they will not give you a new one unless you have trashed your first one. Update 10.1 changed all Tiny Ingredients Bags to non-Exclusive, so you can now carry more than one. If you had one before Update 10.1, you can collect a 2nd one from a Fabricators Guild representative. You may also be able to get another one after a True Reincarnation.

Small Ingredients Bag[edit]

Small Ingredients Bag

Medium Ingredients Bag[edit]

Large Ingredients Bag[edit]

Extra Large Ingredients Bag[edit]

Huge Ingredients Bag[edit]

Gargantuan Ingredients Bag[edit]

Colossal Ingredients Bag[edit]

Soul Bags[edit]

Soul Bags store Soul Gems that are the result of successful use of the Trap the Soul spell or

items with that effect.Icon tooltip.png

Small Soul Bag[edit]

Medium Soul Bag[edit]

  • Unique Item Capacity: 40
  • Stack Size: 100
  • Acquired from:

Other Bags[edit]

Medium Crafter's Bag[edit]

Medium Crafter's Bag
  • Unique Item Capacity: 40
  • Stack Size: 10,000
  • Acquired from:
    • This bag was only available during the Lamannia server during the Update 9 preview and is not available on live servers.

Large Crafter's Bag[edit]

Large Crafter's Bag
  • Unique Item Capacity: 100
  • Stack Size: 10,000
  • Acquired from:
    • This bag was only available during the Lamannia server during the Update 9 preview and is not available on live servers.

Gargantuan Crafter's Bag[edit]

Gargantuan Crafter's Bag
  • Unique Item Capacity: 500
  • Stack Size: 10,000
  • Acquired from:
    • This bag was only available during the Lamannia server during the Update 9 preview and is not available on live servers.