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Name: Kupper-Nickel

Race: Warforged

Gender: Unknown

Location: The Marketplace, north side, roughly south of the House Deneith gate.

Description: <Wayfinder> Handles travel between the Marketplace and Zawabi's Refuge. He mentions Phiarlan monopoly because when the Sands were the new area in the game (by Module 3), the only way to access it was by doing the quest Desert Caravan.

The Marketplace[edit]

When you approach him, he will invite you to know the desert:

  • Kupper-Nickel: Greetings. The Wayfinder Foundation is anxious to break House Phiarlan's monopoly on Xen'drik traffic. Can I help you book passage on one of our fine airships?
  • You: Do your airships fly to the Menechtarun Desert?
  • Kupper-Nickel: Indeed they do! You are in luck as well. The Wayfinder Foundation subsidizes a route to Zawabi's Refuge, an oasis in the Sands of Menechtarun. You will not need to pay the cost of passage.
  • You: All right then, show me aboard!