Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Item:Warforged Titan Cookie

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Warforged Titan Cookie

Gingerbread cookie baked into the shape of a warforged titan.

Named after the Warforged Titans, relics of the Dal Quor Invasion millennium ago or built by House Cannith; they are built for war.

Warforged Titan Cookies were first introduced during Festivult in 2006.

2023 - Current[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

Historic Versions[edit]

2014 - 2022[edit]

DDO Examination Panel


DDO Examination Panel

2009 - 2012[edit]

DDO Examination Panel

2006 - 2008[edit]

DDO Examination Panel