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Item:Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate

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Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate

Armor Type Breastplate Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate shown.jpg
Feat Requirement Medium Armor Proficiency
Race Absolutely Excluded Warforged
Minimum Level 22
Binding Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip
Armor Bonus +21
Maximum Dexterity Bonus 10
Armor Check Penalty
Arcane Spell Failure 25%
Durability 340
Material Spiritcraft LeatherIcon tooltip.pngSpiritcraft Leather: Spiritcraft Leather items have been crafted using magic which makes them lighter and more durable than usual.
Hardness 32
Base Value 00088200008,820ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 35 lbs
Location The Deal and the Demon, Yugoloth Mercenaries chest
Enchantments Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate.png
Upgradeable? Mikrom Sum
Description This breastplate has been fashioned from the hide and chitin of the vicious Terrorweb spiders.

Can be made a part of the Knight's LoyaltyIcon tooltip.pngKnight's Loyalty: When all three items from the set are equipped, you will gain a +3 artifact bonus to your To-Hit and Damage rolls, and a +3 Insight bonus to Natural Armor. with 375 Purple Dragon Knight Favor and 15 Commendation: Purple Dragon Knights or Amaunator's BlessingIcon tooltip.pngAmaunator's Blessing: When all three items from the set are equipped, you will gain a 10% Enhancement discount to the Spell Point cost of all your spells. with 375 Purple Dragon Knight Favor and 15 Commendation: Clerics of Amaunator

  • Can be made part of both sets if Knight's LoyaltyIcon tooltip.pngKnight's Loyalty: When all three items from the set are equipped, you will gain a +3 artifact bonus to your To-Hit and Damage rolls, and a +3 Insight bonus to Natural Armor. is added first and Amaunator's BlessingIcon tooltip.pngAmaunator's Blessing: When all three items from the set are equipped, you will gain a 10% Enhancement discount to the Spell Point cost of all your spells. is added second.
  • Upgrading item does not change binding status; so an unbound version will remain trade-able.