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Proficiency Class Martial Weapon Proficiency Soulrazor shown.jpg
Accepts Sentience? Yes
Damage and Type 4.80[1d8+3] +15 Slash, Magic, Crystal
Critical threat range 17-20 / x2
Weapon Type Long Sword / Slashing weapons
Race Absolutely Required None
Minimum Level 28
Required Trait None
Use Magical Device DC No UMD needed
Attack Mod STR
Damage Mod STR
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability 350
Made from CrystalIcon tooltip.pngCrystal: Crystal weapons are able to overcome the protective damage reduction of many Quori creatures, which can be resistant to other weapons.
Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from crystal are also decreased by 10%.
Hardness 38
Base Value 001120150011,201ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 5gpIcon tooltip.pngGold Piece 
Weight 4 lbs
Location Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Blackrazor and Sentient Jewel of Blackrazor

Threads of Fate

Description I delight in your voracity.

Bug: HP limit of Overwhelming Stealer of SoulsIcon tooltip.pngOverwhelming Stealer of Souls: This weapon tears at the very essence of your foes. On any strike, this weapon applies a single stack of Soul Scar, which reduces your target's Will Saves, Armor Class, and Fortification by 1 per stack, max 10. Occasionally, this weapon attempts to rip the life from your foe, as if it were the victim of a Phantasmal Killer spell with a DC of 100 versus Will. Bosses (and enemies with more than 10,000 hit points) are immune to this effect. Killing a monster will consume your soul, adding a stack of Consumed Soul to you. Consumed Souls stack up to 20 times, and linger for 20 seconds. Each one provides a +1 Profane bonus to Damage and Melee Power. If you block or unequip this weapon, the Consumed Souls will be released. is only 5,000 instead of 10,000.

Can be upgraded with Threads of Fate to gain: