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Item:Rock Boots

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Rock Boots Orb.png

All versions of Rock Boots are Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account upon Acquire.

Rock Boots[edit]

Level Enhancements Cost
Amount Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Epic Tokens
Level 3
Corrosion +54Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +54: Passive: +54 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +8%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +8: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 8% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Lesser Stone Prison GuardIcon tooltip.pngLesser Stone Prison Guard: This item has a chance to turn those who hit you to stone. A successful Fortitude save (DC ?15?) will negate this effect. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
7 (Tier 1)
Corrosion +69Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +69: Passive: +69 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +10%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +10: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 10% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Lesser Stone Prison Guard 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge JadeScorpion.png Icon tooltip.pngJade Scorpion, obtained in Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrudeTalisman.png Icon tooltip.pngCrude Talisman, obtained in Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos
7 (Tier 2)
Corrosion +74Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +74: Passive: +74 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +11%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +11: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 11% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Lesser Stone Prison Guard 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
7 (Tier 3)
Corrosion +79Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +79: Passive: +79 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +12%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +12: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 12% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Lesser Stone Prison Guard, Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
11 (Tier 1)
Corrosion +82Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +82: Passive: +82 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +12%, Stone Prison GuardIcon tooltip.pngStone Prison Guard: This item has a chance to turn those who hit you to stone. A successful Fortitude save (DC 17) will negate this effect. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge JadeScorpion.png Icon tooltip.pngJade Scorpion, obtained in Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ObsidianArrowhead.png Icon tooltip.pngObsidian Arrowhead, obtained in Lava Caves: Circles of Power
11 (Tier 2)
Corrosion +88Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +88: Passive: +88 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +13%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +13: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 13% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Immunity to Slippery SurfacesIcon tooltip.pngImmunity to Slippery Surfaces: The wearer of this item is not affected when walking on slippery surfaces. 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
11 (Tier 3)
Corrosion +94Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +94: Passive: +94 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +14%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +14: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 14% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces, Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
15 (Tier 1)
Corrosion +96Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +96: Passive: +96 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +14%, Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab GuardIcon tooltip.pngEarthgrab Guard: This item stores the implacable strength of the earth deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, calling on the earth to erupt from the ground and hold an enemy in place., Immunity to Slippery Surfaces 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge JadeScorpion.png Icon tooltip.pngJade Scorpion, obtained in Lava Caves: Colossal Crystals
15 (Tier 2)
Corrosion +102Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +102: Passive: +102 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +15%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +15: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 15% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
15 (Tier 3)
Corrosion +108Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +108: Passive: +108 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +16%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +16: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 16% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces, Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments 400 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
20 (Tier 1)
Corrosion +110Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +110: Passive: +110 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +16%, Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge CrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngCrystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge ArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngArcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEnchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard
20 (Tier 2)
Corrosion +116Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +116: Passive: +116 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +17%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +17: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 17% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces, Colorless Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngColorless Augments 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicCrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Crystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Arcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicEnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Enchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard - EPIC
20 (Tier 3)
Corrosion +122Icon tooltip.pngCorrosion +122: Passive: +122 Equipment bonus to Acid Spell Power., Acid Lore +18%Icon tooltip.pngAcid Lore +18: Passive: Your Acid spells gain a 18% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Stone Prison Guard, Earthgrab Guard, Immunity to Slippery Surfaces, Acid Absorption +30%Icon tooltip.png Acid Absorption +30%: Passive: 30% Enhancement Bonus to Acid Absorption. (Absorption reduces damage from an element by a percentage, after resistance have been taken into account.), Empty Colorless Augment Slot, Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments 600 Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicCrystallizedMagmaShard.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Crystallized Magma Shard, obtained in Lava Caves: Time is Money - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicArcanalothScroll.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Arcanaloth Scroll, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: Labor Shortage - EPIC Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge EpicEnchantedArmorFragment.png Icon tooltip.pngEpic Enchanted Armor Fragment, obtained in Extraplanar Mining: The Dragon's Hoard - EPIC 5epicdungeon.pngIcon tooltip.png 5 5 Tokens of the Twelve