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Item:Regalia of the Phoenix

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Regalia of the Phoenix

Armor Type Robe Phoenix Robe shown.jpg
Feat Requirement None
Race Absolutely Excluded Warforged
Minimum Level 18
Binding Bound to Account on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Armor Bonus None
Maximum Dexterity Bonus None
Armor Check Penalty None
Arcane Spell Failure None
Durability 105
Material ClothIcon tooltip.pngCloth: Cloth is a very common material used in handwraps, robes, outfits. and other accessories.
Hardness 12
Base Value 001000550010,005ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 5gpIcon tooltip.pngGold Piece 
Weight 0 lbs
Location The Mindsunder, Disc locked optional end chest
Enchantments Regalia of the Phoenix.png
Upgradeable? Suppressed Power
Description This robe was the final true creation of the ancient tailor Sursadir, who was inspired by a vision of a mighty Phoenix flying overhead. Unable to ever capture the power and purity of that flame again, he found that all his subsequent attempts at art were mere ashes.

Unsuppressed version: Regalia of the Phoenix (unsuppressed).png
