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Item:Protector's Gloves

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Icon ItemSlot Hand.png

Protector's Gloves

Minimum level None Gloves Generic.png
Item Type Clothing / Gloves
Slot Hand
Race Absolutely Required None
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability 30
Material LeatherIcon tooltip.pngLeather: Leather armor is made of the hide of animals. It provides decent protection without excessively restricting the user's movements.
Hardness 8
Base Value 0000405000405ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0.10 lbs
Location Sacrifices, End reward
Protector's Gloves.png
Upgradeable? Fully upgraded
Description This pair of gloves is said to protect those who would protect others.

  • This item cannot be fed to sentient jewels.
  • This item is very useful at early levels, even if not taken as a set, because of the -1 Damage Reduction to all physical weapon damage, equivalent to the DR of a light Adamantine armor, a more expensive item.
  • This item also exists as part of Veteran I and Veteran II Starter equipments.