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Item:Ir'Kesslan's Most Prescient Lens

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Icon ItemSlot Eye.png

ir'Kesslan's Most Prescient Lens

Minimum level 29 Ir'Kesslan's Most Prescient Lens shown.jpg
Item Type Jewelry / Goggles
Slot Eye
Race Absolutely Required None
Binding Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Durability 390
Material PlatinumIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum: Platinum is a rare and precious metal. Unlike golden items, items forged from platinum are often quite durable.
Hardness 49
Base Value 001162000011,620ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 0.10 lbs
Location Too Hot to Handle, End chest; Masterminds of Sharn (Epic) end reward; also rare drop in any Sharn quest
Ir'Kesslan's Most Prescient Lens.png

Fully upgraded

Description This lens was crafted for King Sebastes ir'Kesslan, but has fallen into disrepair after its sudden disappearance.