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Item:Glory's Guard
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Shield Type | Large Shield | |
Race Absolutely Required | None | |
Proficiency | Shield Proficiency (General) | |
Minimum Level | None | |
Required Trait | None | |
Attack Mod | STR | |
Damage Mod | STR | |
Binding | Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire | |
Shield Bonus | +8 | |
Max Dex Bonus | None | |
Damage Reduction | 5 | |
Armor Check Penalty | -1 | |
Arcane Spell Failure | 15% | |
Damage | [1d10] + 1 Bludgeon, Magic | |
Critical Roll | 19-20 / x3 | |
Durability | 130 | |
Material | CrystalCrystal: Crystal weapons are able to overcome the protective damage reduction of many Quori creatures, which can be resistant to other weapons. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from crystal are also decreased by 10%. |
Hardness | 26 | |
Base Value | ppPlatinum Piece | 804|
Weight | 10 lbs | |
Location | The Borderlands, chest (Rare Encounters) | |
Enhancements |
| |
Upgradeable? | Fully upgraded | |
Description | This shield has a faint holy aura within it. | |
Tips |