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Item:Epic Mournlode Chain

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Epic Mournlode Chain

Armor Type Light Mournlode Chain shown.png
Feat Requirement Light Armor Proficiency
Race Absolutely Excluded Warforged
Minimum Level 20
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus +14
Maximum Dexterity Bonus 11
Armor Check Penalty -1
Arcane Spell Failure 15%
Durability 272
Material Spiritforged IronIcon tooltip.pngSpiritforged Iron: Spiritforged Iron items have been crafted using magic which makes them lighter and more durable than usual.
Hardness 29
Base Value 00080100008,010ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 25 lbs
Location Vaults of the Artificers, Turn in Crafted from various challenge ingredients
Enchantments Epic Mournlode Chain (level 20)(tier 1).png
Upgradeable? Vaults of the Artificers
Description Metal Armor constructed from valuable purple Mournlode crystal is imbued with a protective, almost holy power. Undead are seared by it, and it protects the wearer from evil.

See also: Mournlode Armors - Full table of the Mournlode Armors line

  • Tier 2Icon tooltip.pngEpic Mournlode Chain (level 20)(tier 2).png
  • Tier 3Icon tooltip.pngEpic Mournlode Chain (level 20)(tier 3).png