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Item:Epic Mournlode Chain
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Epic Mournlode Chain
Armor Type | Light | |
Feat Requirement | Light Armor Proficiency | |
Race Absolutely Excluded | Warforged | |
Minimum Level | 20 | |
Binding | Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire | |
Armor Bonus | +14 | |
Maximum Dexterity Bonus | 11 | |
Armor Check Penalty | -1 | |
Arcane Spell Failure | 15% | |
Durability | 272 | |
Material | Spiritforged IronSpiritforged Iron: Spiritforged Iron items have been crafted using magic which makes them lighter and more durable than usual. | |
Hardness | 29 | |
Base Value | ppPlatinum Piece | 8,010|
Weight | 25 lbs | |
Location | Vaults of the Artificers, Turn in Crafted from various challenge ingredients | |
Enchantments |
Upgradeable? | Vaults of the Artificers | |
Description | Metal Armor constructed from valuable purple Mournlode crystal is imbued with a protective, almost holy power. Undead are seared by it, and it protects the wearer from evil. | |
Notes |
See also: Mournlode Armors - Full table of the Mournlode Armors line | |
Tips |
- Minimum level 20 armor
- Binds to account
- Binds on acquire
- Spiritforged Iron items
- Vaults of the Artificers reward items
- Protection +8 items
- Resistance +8 items
- Undead Guard +4 items
- Protection from Evil items
- Weaken Undead items
- Undead Guard +5 items
- Colorless augment slot items
- Protection +9 items
- Resistance +9 items
- Negative Energy Absorption +30% items
- Green augment slot items
- Vaults of the Artificers upgradeable items
- Light armor