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Item:Epic Duelist's Leathers (legacy) (level 20)

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Epic Duelist's Leathers

Armor Type Leather Duelist's Leathers shown.jpg
Feat Requirement Light Armor Proficiency
Race Absolutely Excluded Warforged
Minimum Level 20
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus +13
Maximum Dexterity Bonus 18
Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure 10%
Durability 256
Material Spiritcraft LeatherIcon tooltip.pngSpiritcraft Leather: Spiritcraft Leather items have been crafted using magic which makes them lighter and more durable than usual.
Hardness 28
Base Value 00080010008,001ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 15 lbs
Location Treasure of Crystal Cove, Turn in 1200 Copper Doubloon.png Copper Doubloon600 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon35 Stolen Diamond.png Stolen Diamond at Dusty Old Treasure of Crystal Cove
Enchantments Epic Duelist's Leathers.png
Upgradeable? Treasure of Crystal Cove
Description When pirates who prefer light blades in battle need armor, this is the kind of item they will put their money on- a lightweight vest of leather or hide that allows plenty of stylish movement in combat.

See also: Duelist's Leathers - Full table of the Duelist's Leathers line
