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Item:+3 Energized Longbow

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History shield-book-sword.png
History shield-book-sword.png
This item stopped dropping in Update 56, though since it was unbound until upgraded, it may still appear on the Auction House.
If you can verify that the subject still exists, please edit this page and remove this template.

+3 Energized Longbow

Proficiency Class Martial Weapon Proficiency +3 Energized Longbow shown.png
Accepts Sentience? No
Damage and Type [1d8] + 3 Pierce, Magic
Critical threat range 20 / x3
Weapon Type Long Bow / Ranged weapons
Race Absolutely Required None
Minimum Level 7
Required Trait None
Use Magical Device DC No UMD needed
Attack Mod DEX
Damage Mod N/A
Binding UnboundIcon tooltip.pngUnbound: This item is Unbound, and may take permanent damage.
Durability 130
Made from SteelIcon tooltip.pngSteel: Steel is the common metal used to make weapons and armor.
Hardness 15
Base Value 00028200002,820ppIcon tooltip.pngPlatinum Piece 
Weight 3 lbs
Location Temple of Elemental Evil Part One, and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two any chest
+3 Energized Longbow.jpg

ToEE Crafting

Description A weapon found deep within the Temple of Elemental Evil.