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Founder's Commemorative Fountain

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From the Founder page:

Step up and interact with the Founder's Commemorative Fountain
Side view of the Founder's Commemorative Fountain

The Founder's Commemorative Fountain in The Harbor lists the names and members of all guilds that had at least fifteen members at the end of the headstart period. The headstart period began on February 24th, 2006, and ended with the game's launch on February 28th, 2006.

Current Status[edit]

The Commemorative Fountain is located in The Harbor. Due to a web site update in late April of 2013, the information contained in the Fountain went missing. On October 24th, 2013, Community Specialist Cordovan stated that the data had not been lost:

Originally Posted by Cordovan (Contribs • Message• Cordovan)

We are aware that the Founder's Fountain is not currently displaying. It's related to the web site update earlier this year: The information that the Fountain pulled from was an html page on the now-deprecated DDO Compendium, so we'll need to stage it either as a new page or put that information directly into the game. It's been on our list of things to do for a while now, but we just have not yet been able to fit that work in yet. We hope to get this addressed in the near future. The information has not been lost!

Dungeons & Dragons: Stormreach Founding Guilds, by Server[edit]

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach - DDO Europe Founding Guilds[edit]

Note: This list was discovered by forum user ReaperAlexEU using the Internet Wayback service in November of 2013. DDO Europe was a European-focused version of Dungeons & Dragons Online operated separately by Codemasters until August of 2010. This list represents the Founding Guilds for DDO Europe, by server:

This article has not been added to any categories:
Please help out by adding categories to it so that it can be listed with similar articles. (February 2016)