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Feywild Displacer Cub

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Feywild Displacer Cub
Feywild Displacer Cub's Certificate description

Name: Feywild Displacer Cub

Race: Displacer Cub

Bind: The Feywild Displacer Cub Certificate is Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire.


An inquisitive displacer cub, eager to see the worlds beyond the Feywild.

DDO Store purchasable?: No

Companion tricks

Displacer Cub Trick - Tentacle Whip icon.png
Tentacle Whip- Your pet displacer cub will whip its tentacles out, cracking them like whips.
Displacer Cub Trick - Hop Around icon.png
Hop Around- Your pet displacer cub will hop around, looking excited.
Displacer Cub Trick - Look About icon.png
Look About- Your pet displacer cub will look around for something to play with.
Displacer Cub Trick - Dance icon.png
Dance- Your pet displacer cub will break into dance.
Displacer Cub Trick - Sleep icon.png
Sleep- Your pet displacer cub will decide it's time for a little cat-nap.


Comes with the Fables of the Feywild expansion pack bundles.