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Fall of the Night Brigade

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695 DP Requires access to adventure pack: Fall of the Night Brigade

Help a group of wererats to bring down the Night Brigade, a ruthless gang that's killed and pillaged its way into power. Transform into a rat to explore hidden nooks and crannies and bring the leaders of the Night Brigade to justice in four hand-crafted quests set inside Wheloon Prison.

Fall of the Night Brigade is a level 4 / 35 adventure pack with 4 adventures introduced in Update 71.

The quests can be accessed in Wheloon Docks, which can be reached via a portal in the Gatekeeper's Grove or via a riverboat in Eveningstar.


The Fall of the Night Brigade story arc is bestowed by Old Tarlow. After completing all of the quests, he will give an end reward for the entire chain.

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Rats in a Cage4/343The Harpers
The Wizard's Labyrinth4/343The Harpers
The Knife's Edge4/343The Harpers
The Darkness and the Light4/354The Harpers
Total4 Quests13 
 ♣43,514Epic Casual
 ♦74,211Epic Normal
 ♥75,900Epic Hard
 ♠77,586Epic Elite