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Evi Joss
Name: Evi Joss
Race: Human
Gender: Female
- House Deneith Enclave, at the far northeastern end
- Barrel's Bottom, far south end above the beach, next to the airship portal
Notes: At Deneith, transports to either Barrel's Bottom or Ataraxia's Haven. At Barrel's Bottom, transports to either The Harbor or House Deneith Enclave.
House Deneith Enclave[edit]
When you approach her, she will say:
- Evi Joss: Ahoy there, I'm Evi. I got a ship heading for docks all over the Thunder Sea, and it's got berth for a few extra people.
- Evi Joss: You lookin' for passage to Three-Barrel Cove?
- Evi Joss: Or can I drop you off at Ataraxia's Haven?
- You: Three-Barrel Cove? That's that?
- Evi Joss: It's an island port—not that far north o' here.
- Evi Joss: It's run by pirates, you know. Rough place, but there's a fortune to be had. If ye be willin' to brave the dangers, that is.
- You: (CR 5-7) All right, take me to Three Barrel Cove.
- You: That other place you mentioned before... what's at Ataraxia's Haven? (see below)
- You: Ataraxia's Haven? What's that?
- Evi Joss: It's a resort island. They got a nice spa there. Nothing like it if yer sufferin' from tense shoulders.
- Evi Joss: They got lots of nice wilderness hikin, if you like getting up close with ferocious wildlife.
- Evi Joss: I hear there's some dispute going on with the Duergar workers there too.
- You: (CR 10) All right, take me to Ataraxia's Haven.
- You: That other place you mentioned before... what's at Three Barrel Cove? (see above)
- You: Three-Barrel Cove? That's that?
Barrel's Bottom[edit]
When you approach her, she will say:
- Evi Joss: Heya, <class>. Lookin' for me?
- You: Yes, I'd like to leave Three Barrel Cove.
- Evi Joss: There's a ship that'll be sailing for Stormreach Harbor today.
- Evi Joss: Or d'ye want to be dropped off at the House Deneith Enclave?
- You: Take me to Stormreach Harbor.
- You: Take me to the House Deneith Enclave.
- You: Anything interesting going on in Three-Barrel Cove?
- Evi Joss: There's always work to be done in the harbor.
- Evi Joss: Rosie the Jinx runs a game called the Scoundrel's Run. It's dangerous, true, but rewarding! She's on the north side of town.
- Evi Joss: Red Tom was nosing around earlier, looking to explore a place called Garl's Tomb.
- Evi Joss: I also heard some minotaur on the docks growling about the burning mountain.
- You: No, just wandering around. (Walk away)
- You: Yes, I'd like to leave Three Barrel Cove.