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North of the King's Forest lies a small farming village - a common stop for adventurers before the Drow began their vicious assault on the surface world.


Eveningstar is a public area introduced in Update 14. It is the player hub in the Forgotten Realms, serving a similar purpose to Stormreach. The village of Eveningstar is located in the kingdom of the Cormyr, approximately 100 miles North of the capital city, Suzail, and the Lake of Dragons is located near the northern edge of the King's Forest.
The High Road, a major trading route in Northern Cormyr (running from the city of Arabel, in Eastern Cormyr, to the Western Storm Horns and the cities of Easting and Proskur beyond), crosses the Starwater river at Eveningstar and runs along the Northern side of the village.
See the FR wiki entry for more details on Eveningstar in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

Access to Eveningstar[edit]

Level Restrictions[edit]

Minimum level for accessing Eveningstar:

Minimum level requirements within Eveningstar:

  • Level 14 to enter the heroic The High Road wilderness area
  • Level 15 to do challenges, enter non-epic quests within the Eveningstar village and enter the heroic The Storm Horns wilderness area
  • Level 20 to enter other wilderness areas

Getting to Eveningstar[edit]

  • The simplest way to access Eveningstar is to use a Hall of Heroes Passport, free to VIPs and all Iconic characters, and for purchase from the DDO Store
    • The Passport lets you use the Transport to Forgotten Realms button on the Character Selection screen to move your character to the Hall of Heroes in Eveningstar
    • The Passport can be used regardless of level and whether the character currently being used has completed the Web of Chaos quest chain.
    • If you are in-game, you must log out to get to the Character Select screen.
  • Players who own Magic of Myth Drannor may also reach Eveningstar via the Outskirts of Myth Drannor by taking a portal there from the Gatekeeper's Grove.
  • Without the passport or expansion, to get from Stormreach to Eveningstar for the first time, characters must complete the free-to-play Web of Chaos quest chain.
    • Start by speaking to Dectaran in the Harbor. The chain consists of four quests at level 16 (Heroic) or 21 (Epic).
    • NB: the portal to Eveningstar is not visible to characters who are not on (or have not completed) the first three quests in the chain. The teleport itself only activates after completing Beyond the Rift.
    • Once you have completed the chain, whenever you need to go from Eberron to Eveningstar, you can walk to Eveningstar:
    1. Go to the quest chain entry portal in the Harbor, across the walkway from the entry to The Waterworks
    2. Choose Go to the Demonweb entrance (Menace to the Underdark expansion pack). This will take you to the Spinner's Prison, a small, safe public area (created at the end of the previous quest chain) containing a portal between the worlds
    3. Go forwards (N on the map) toward the dais where Tavnar Kronnak is standing with a pet wolf
    4. Turn to the left (NW on the map) and up the web-bridge toward the purple portal to The Demonweb - The bridge is safe and you can't fall off!
    5. Choose Travel to Eveningstar Cavern, which transports you to another small, safe public area
    6. Go forwards (roughly SW on the map), up the stone ramp, and out the obvious cave mouth
    7. You will find yourself just south of Eveningstar village.
  • After reaching 125 Purple Dragon Knights favor, you will receive a Key to the City - Eveningstar as a favor reward item
    • This item will allow you to teleport to the Main Square in Eveningstar, with a cooldown of 30 minutes
  • If you own the Mists of Ravenloft expansion, you can exit to Eveningstar (or House Jorasco), from the three small public areas within Barovia
    • If you are not an iconic character or have not yet run the Web of Chaos quest chain, you will be unable to exit to Eveningstar

Getting back from Eveningstar[edit]

  • The default method to return to Eberron (Stormreach) from the Forgotten Realms (Eveningstar) is to walk:
  1. Head to the Eveningstar Cavern:
    1. Either enter the Eveningstar Hall of Heroes, turn around and go back out, which will give the option to go to Eveningstar Cavern (Sometimes, the portal says "blocked"; try entering from various angles and distances to go through)
    2. Or run south of Eveningstar village and across the river to the Eveningstar Cavern (green portal symbol on the map)
  2. Head to the central purple portal, The Demonweb (From the cavern entrance, the jump is not far, but there's a steep ramp to the left if you'd prefer to use that)
  3. Use the portal
    1. Either select Return to the Spinner's Prison in Khyber.
      1. Go forwards (S on the map) to the large blue portal to Stormreach
      2. You will find yourself in the lower Harbor, roughly across the water from the Waterworks.
    2. Or select Return to your Guild Airship on Eberron
  • You can return to Eberron via teleportation from any point in the Forgotten Realms:
  • If your soul is bound to location in Eberron, you can Release after you have died or type /death to return to your bind point
  • If you are in the Forgotten Realms and own the Hall of Heroes Passport, the Character Selection screen has a Transport to Eberron button.
    • This transports you to the Hall of Heroes in the Stormreach Marketplace.
  • You can enter Barovia from Eveningstar (the portal is near to the Eveningstar Cavern entrance) and exit from Barovia to House Jorasco, or enter the Outskirts of Myth Drannor and exit to the Gatekeeper's Grove.

Points of interest[edit]

Access to Wilderness and Public Areas[edit]

Eveningstar Cavern[edit]

The Lonesome Tankard (inn)[edit]

The Hall of Heroes[edit]

Located immediately to the North of the Main Square, the Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes has many of the same features as the Eberron version. Notable exceptions include:

  • No Stormreach Teleporter
  • No Guild Airship Access
  • The Exit door provides teleport options to some Forgotten Realms locations including:
    • Eveningstar (returning you to where you entered)
    • Eveningstar Cavern
    • Wheloon Docks public area
    • The Thunder Peaks public area

Notable NPCs[edit]

Traders & Brokers[edit]

  • Vendors, in the Main Square
  • Hosgerd Lar, Heroic and Epic hirelings, northeast corner, against a house (with green banners)
  • Jolene Dander, reagents, east side
  • Rhys Bray, general vendor, southwest corner

Teleportation Liasons[edit]

Quests & Challenges[edit]

Stand-alone Quests[edit]

How the Epic Elite sagas overlap

Story Arcs[edit]


Main article - Eveningstar Challenge Pack