Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Dusty Old Treasure of Crystal Cove

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The crafting device is hidden behind barrels in a corner of the pub

Dusty Old Treasure of Crystal Cove is a crafting device located in the Rook's Gambit, a tavern in Smuggler's Rest, hidden behind some barrels in a corner. It is accessible during the Treasure of Crystal Cove event. It uses collectables like doubloons, various stolen gems, the trinkets it produces and green dragonshards. It can be used to craft numerous pieces of equipment including consumables. Crafted equipment is mostly bound to account except the most powerful ones that are bound to character. Most powerful consumables are also BtA except Bottomless Flask of Rum is BtC.

Dusty Old Treasure was introduced in Update 39. It contains old (tiered) versions of Cove loot. New versions can be purchased using Euphonia's Barter Box.


All versions of the bold, nimble, cunning, and stalwart trinkets are ML4. The greater versions of these trinkets are also used as ingredients for tier 3 equipment recipes. For a fully upgraded Trinket it costs 500 Gold 1250 Silver 2500 Copper Doubloons and 700 Green Dragon Shards.

Bold Trinket[edit]

A pirate is courageous and leaps into battle without fear. This trinket gives you boosts to the damage of your attacks.

Item Enhancements Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Dragonshards Item
Lesser Bold Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 1, Damage Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngDamage Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to damage. 250 500 100
Bold Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 2, Damage Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngDamage Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to damage., Exceptional Seeker +2Icon tooltip.pngExceptional Seeker +2: Provides a +2 Insight bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +2 Insight bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied). 200 400 800 200 Lesser Bold Trinket
Greater Bold Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 3, Damage Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngDamage Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to damage., Exceptional Seeker +2Icon tooltip.pngExceptional Seeker +2: Provides a +2 Insight bonus to confirm critical hits, and a +2 Insight bonus to critical hit damage (before multipliers are applied)., Shocking BlowIcon tooltip.png Shocking Blow: This item is charged with electricity. When in melee, on an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit it will punish the target with a large electric shock (10 to 60 electric damage). A successful Reflex save (DC 22) reduces this damage by half. 300 600 1200 400 Bold Trinket

Cunning Trinket[edit]

Pirates have keen minds that allow them to outsmart their foes. This trinket gives you boosts to the effectiveness of your spells.

Item Enhancements Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Dragonshards Item
Lesser Cunning Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 1, Pirate ClevernessIcon tooltip.pngPirate Cleverness: You gain the cleverness of a pirate, which grants a +50 bonus to your maximum spell points. This stacks with all other bonuses except itself. 250 500 100
Cunning Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 2, Pirate ClevernessIcon tooltip.pngPirate Cleverness: You gain the cleverness of a pirate, which grants a +50 bonus to your maximum spell points. This stacks with all other bonuses except itself., Enchantment Focus +1Icon tooltip.png Enchantment Focus +1: +1 Equipment bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells., Necromancy Focus +1Icon tooltip.png Necromancy Focus +1: +1 Equipment bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells. 200 400 800 200 Lesser Cunning Trinket
Greater Cunning Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 3, Pirate ClevernessIcon tooltip.pngPirate Cleverness: You gain the cleverness of a pirate, which grants a +50 bonus to your maximum spell points. This stacks with all other bonuses except itself., Enchantment Focus +1Icon tooltip.png Enchantment Focus +1: +1 Equipment bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells., Necromancy Focus +1Icon tooltip.png Necromancy Focus +1: +1 Equipment bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells., Efficient Metamagic - Maximize IIcon tooltip.pngEfficient Metamagic - Maximize I: The additional spell point cost for using the Maximize Metamagic feat is reduced by 2 SP. 300 600 1200 400 Cunning Trinket

Nimble Trinket[edit]

Pirates are deft and light on their feet, able to dodge enemy attacks and land their own with ease. This trinket boosts the accuracy of your attacks and improves your dodging ability.

Item Enhancements Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Dragonshards Item
Lesser Nimble Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 1, Attack Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngAttack Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to your attack rolls. 250 500 100
Nimble Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 2, Attack Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngAttack Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to your attack rolls., Dodge +2%Icon tooltip.png Dodge +2%: +2% Enhancement bonus to Dodge. 200 400 800 200 Lesser Nimble Trinket
Greater Nimble Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 3, Attack Bonus +1Icon tooltip.pngAttack Bonus +1: Provides a +1 competence bonus to your attack rolls., Dodge +2%Icon tooltip.png Dodge +2%: +2% Enhancement bonus to Dodge., BlurryIcon tooltip.pngBlurry: Equipping this item causes you to become slightly blurry. Attacks from enemies have a 20% chance to miss you due to concealment. 300 600 1200 400 Nimble Trinket

Stalwart Trinket[edit]

A pirate is steadfast and won't back down, even if the odds look grim. This trinket gives you boosts to your survivability.

Item Enhancements Cost (Doubloons/Gems/Item)
Gold Silver Copper Dragonshards Item
Lesser Stalwart Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 1, Pirate VitalityIcon tooltip.pngPirate Vitality: You gain the toughness of a pirate, which bestows a +10 bonus to your maximum hit points. This stacks with all bonuses except itself. 250 500 100
Stalwart Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 2, Pirate VitalityIcon tooltip.pngPirate Vitality: You gain the toughness of a pirate, which bestows a +10 bonus to your maximum hit points. This stacks with all bonuses except itself., Exceptional Fortification (+10%)Icon tooltip.pngExceptional Fortification (+10%): This item produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a +10% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and the damage is instead rolled normally. This ability is considered an Insight bonus when determining stacking with other sources of fortification 200 400 800 200 Lesser Stalwart Trinket
Greater Stalwart Trinket
Trinket: Upgradeable - Tier 3, Pirate VitalityIcon tooltip.pngPirate Vitality: You gain the toughness of a pirate, which bestows a +10 bonus to your maximum hit points. This stacks with all bonuses except itself., Exceptional Fortification (+10%)Icon tooltip.pngExceptional Fortification (+10%): This item produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a +10% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and the damage is instead rolled normally. This ability is considered an Insight bonus when determining stacking with other sources of fortification, Earthen GuardIcon tooltip.pngEarthen Guard: When you are successfully attacked, there is a chance that a Stone Skin will be cast on you. 300 600 1200 400 Stalwart Trinket

Bottomless Flask of Rum[edit]

Bottomless Flask of Rum[edit]
Bottomless Flask of Rum upgraded to level 11

This enchanted flask swells with an eternal wellspring of rum.


  • These flasks are no longer available from Euphonia's Barter Box as of Update 39 - instead they can be purchased in the Rook's Gambit via the "Dusty Old Treasure of Crystal Cove" Chest (NE Corner, hidden behind the barrels)
  • All versions Bound to CharacterIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character: This item is Bound to Character on acquire.
  • Although they are not exclusive, all eternal flasks share the same eternal flask timer, so having more than one does not accomplish much.
  • The Tier 11 "Heal" effect only restores HP and does not currently provide the other benefits of Heal like removing status effects.
  • Seems to break invisibility when used.
  • The costs listed below are NOT cumulative. The upgrade recipe for each tier (except the first) requires the bottle at the previous tier. You cannot create tier 11 directly, you must buy each Tier before purchasing the next.
Bottomless Flask of Rum Tiers
Tier & CL Ingredients Effect Collective cost of ingredients for the present level
Copper Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon.png Stolen Alabaster.png Stolen Pyrite.png Stolen Amber.png Stolen Obsidian.png Stolen Amethyst.png Stolen Topaz.png Stolen Ruby.png Stolen Sapphire.png Stolen Diamond.png Stolen Emerald.png Stolen Star Ruby.png Stolen Star Sapphire.png Green Dragonshard.png Copper Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon.png Stolen Alabaster.png Stolen Pyrite.png Stolen Amber.png Stolen Obsidian.png Stolen Amethyst.png Stolen Topaz.png Stolen Ruby.png Stolen Sapphire.png Stolen Diamond.png Stolen Emerald.png Stolen Star Ruby.png Stolen Star Sapphire.png Green Dragonshard.png
1 50 Cure Light Wounds / 10 min
2 200 30 100 Cure Light Wounds / 9 min 250 30 100
3 500 45 200 Cure Moderate Wounds / 9 min 750 30 45 300
4 500 50 300 Cure Moderate Wounds / 8 min 750 500 30 45 50 600
5 750 80 400 Cure Serious Wounds / 8 min 750 1350 30 45 130 1000
6 1000 70 500 Cure Serious Wounds / 7 min 750 2350 30 45 130 70 1500
7 1500 90 600 Cure Critical Wounds / 7 min 750 3850 30 45 130 160 2100
8 750 80 700 Cure Critical Wounds / 6 min 750 3850 750 30 45 130 160 80 2800
9 750 100 800 Cure Critical Wounds & Restoration / 6 min 750 3850 1500 30 45 130 160 180 3600
10 750 95/80 900 Cure Critical Wounds & Restoration / 5 min 750 3850 2250 30 45 130 160 180 95/80 4500
11 750 120/100 1000 Heal & Restoration / 5 min 750 3850 3000 30 45 130 160 180 215/180 5500

Gem Exchanges[edit]

See Euphonia's Barter Box/Gem Exchange.

Doubloon exchanges[edit]

See Euphonia's Barter Box/Doubloon Exchange.

Upgrade of items[edit]

There is a vast selection of items that can be purchased via doubloons and upgraded in several steps. The higher levels of the initial version need more doubloons and gems, and the tier upgrades require green dragonshards and finally the highest tier needs a trinket as well. The minimum level of the item increases by steps, 4-8-12-16-20.

For example the initial level 20 version of the Brigand's Cutlass requires:

1200 copper doubloons
600 silver doubloons
35 emeralds

Each item (Weapon, Armor, ...) then has additional tiers to upgrade. Each of these tier upgrades adds additional abilities while staying at the same level. For example, the second tier of the Level 20 Brigand's Cutlass adds +1 damage and attack and 5% more incite, the third tier adds absolute chaos and a red augment slot.

While it is not possible to go directly to Tier III of a weapon, it is however possible to directly buy the initial version of a specific level, which is in the end cheaper than upgrading the level afterward.

Below is shown the full upgrade matrix with the requirements to upgrade a Brigand's Cutlass. From left to right are the costs to upgrade the tier of a level, while the different levels are listed from top to bottom. The initial item can be upgraded to Tier II via Upgrade I and to Tier III via Upgrade II. As one can see it is even possible to upgrade a level 4 weapon to a level 8 weapon and further. However the level upgrade will only result in the base version of the item, and it is much cheaper to just buy they level you want instead of crafting a lower level and upgrading it. Also visible in this matrix is that for Tier II of the weapon a fully upgraded Trinket is needed as well, which is the reason to put the requirements for the trinket in the matrix as well. Note that the requirements for the other weapons nearly look the same. The only difference is that another Trinket is used and that for example the Dagger has different Gem types for the initial buy, but the cost and structure remain the same.

Bug info: you may encounter a wierd behaviour of the dusty box - behaving like you don't have an ingredient when in fact you do have it in you inventory. Try to drag it manually to the "your ingredients" field.

Upgrade requirement matrix for Brigand's Cutlass

Level Upgrade to Level Initial buy Upgrade I Upgrade II
Trinket - Bold Trinket - Trinket: Damage Bonus +1, ML: 4 Bold Trinket - Trinket: Exceptional Seeker +2 (Stacks), Damage Bonus +1 Bold Trinket - Trinket: Shocking Blow, Exceptional Seeker +2 (Stacks), Damage bonus +1, Tier 3
4 - Brigand's Cutlass (Level 4) - Scimitar (2d6 +1 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 4) - Scimitar (2d6 +2 base), ..., Tier 2 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 4) - Scimitar (2d6 +2 base), True Chaos, ..., Tier 3
8 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 8) - Scimitar (2d6 +2 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 8) - Scimitar (2d6 +2 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 8) - Scimitar (2d6 +3 base), ..., Tier 2 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 8) - Scimitar (2d6 +3 base), True Chaos, ..., Tier 3
12 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 12) - Scimitar (2d6 +3 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 12) - Scimitar (2d6 +3 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 12) - Scimitar (2d6 +4 base), ..., Tier 2 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 12) - Scimitar (2d6 +4 base), True Chaos, ..., Tier 3
16 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 16) - Scimitar (2d6 +4 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 16) - Scimitar (2d6 +4 base) Brigand's Cutlass (Level 16) - Scimitar (2d6 +5 base), ..., Tier 2 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 16) - Scimitar (2d6 +5 base), Absolute Chaos, ..., Tier 3
20 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 20) - Scimitar (2d6 +5 base): Initimidate +15, Anarchic Burst, Vorpal, Incite +20%, Upgradable - Tier 1 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 20) - Scimitar (2d6 +5 base): Initimidate +15, Anarchic Burst, Vorpal, Incite +20%, Upgradable - Tier 1 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 20) - Scimitar (2d6 +6 base): Initimidate +15, Anarchic Burst, Vorpal, Incite +20%, Upgradable - Tier 2 Brigand's Cutlass (Level 20) - Scimitar (2d6 +6 base): Red Augment Slot, Absolute Chaos, Initimidate +15, Anarchic Burst, Vorpal, Incite +20%, Tier 3
24 1WpnIcon Scimi02.jpg600 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon300 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon40 Stolen Opal.jpg Stolen Opal 1000 Silver Doubloon.png Silver Doubloon500 Golden Doubloon.png Golden Doubloon40 Stolen Opal.jpg Stolen Opal 1WpnIcon Scimi02.jpg 80 Stolen Opal.jpg Stolen Opal55 Stolen Malachite.jpg Stolen Malachite600 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard 1WpnIcon Scimi02.jpg110 Stolen Opal.jpg Stolen Opal90 Stolen Malachite.jpg Stolen Malachite1100 Green Dragonshard.png Green Dragonshard1 Greater Bold Trinket icon.png Greater Bold Trinket