Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit
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Radiant Servant enhancements
Alchemist‡ | Artificer† — Dog | Barbarian | Bard | Cleric |
Apo — Bom — VCh | AT — BE — RM | FB — OS — Rav | SB2 — SS — St1 — WC | DA1 — DD — RS2 — War |
Druid — Wolf | Fighter | Favored Soul† | Monk | Paladin |
BC1 — NW — NP2 — SH | Dra1 — Ken2 — Rav1 — StD — Van2 | AoV — BoH — War | HeM — NiS — Shi | |
Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Wizard | Warlock |
AA2 — DH1 — DWS — Tem | Ass — Mec — TA | AS – ES – FS – WS – EK2 – WM1 | AM — EK — PM | AotS1 — ES2 — SE — TS |
Falconry† ~ Feydark Illusionist† ~ Harper Agent† ~ Horizon Walker† ~ Inquisitive† ~ Vistani Knife Fighter† |
Reaper | |||
†: Class/tree can be earned via favor. ‡: Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype. |
Aasimar 1,395 DDO Points | Dragonborn | Drow | Dwarf | Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP | Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) | Gnome |
Half-Elf (& AA) | Half-Orc | Halfling | Human | Shifter 1,595 DDO Points | Tabaxi 1,595 DDO Points | Tiefling | Warforged †Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DDO Points |
Bladeforged 1,295 DDO Points | Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor | Deep Gnome 1,295 DDO Points | Morninglord 1,295 DDO Points (& AA) | PDK 1,295 DDO Points | Razorclaw 1,395 DDO Points | Scoundrel 1,395 DDO Points | Scourge 1,295 DDO Points | Shadar-kai 1,295 DDO Points | Trailblazer 1,395 DDO Points |
Radiant Servant enhancements[edit]
Core abilities[edit]
Healing Power: For each action point spent in this tree, you gain 0.5 Universal Spell Power and 1 Positive Energy Spell Power. (These stack, effectively giving 1.5 Positive Spell Power per point)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: | Progression: 0 | Requires: Cleric 1 | |
Cure Moderate Wounds: Positive energy is channeled to heal moderate wounds of your target or damage undead for 6 to 16 hit points plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 10. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 5 | Requires: Cleric 3 | |
Positive Energy Burst: You gain +1% Positive Energy Spell Critical Chance.
Channel Divinity: A wave of positive energy that expands from the caster, healing 1d8 plus 1 per caster level to all nearby allies, as well as removing 1d4 negative levels and 1d6 points of ability damage. Undead are instead damaged by the energy, taking 1d8 points of damage per caster level - a successful Will save reduces the damage by half. (Metamagic: Empower, Empower Heal, Maximize, Quicken. Spell Resistance: Yes) | ||||
AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 10 | Requires: Cleric level 6, Cure Moderate Wounds | |
Improved Empower Healing: You gain +1% Positive Energy Spell Critical Chance. The Empower Healing Spell metamagic now grants +100 Positive Energy Spell Power instead of +75.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 20 | Requires: Cleric level 12, Positive Energy Burst | |
Positive Energy Shield: You gain +1% Positive Energy Spell Critical Chance.
Channel Divinity: Your living ally receives temporary hit points equal to your Heal skill. While these hit points remain, your target receives a +20 Sacred bonus to Healing Amplification. (Cooldown: 30 seconds) | ||||
AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | Requires: Cleric level 18, Improved Empower Healing | |
Radiant Servant: You gain +4 Wisdom. Every fifth positive energy spell you cast deals maximum healing and has +50% chance to critical.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 40 | Requires: Cleric level 20, Positive Energy Shield |
Tier One[edit]
Requires Cleric Level 1
Divine Aid: +3% Positive Spell Crit Damage
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Wand and Scroll Mastery: +25%/+50%/+75% effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +1/+2/+3 to the save DCs of your offensive wands. Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Divine Cleansing: Channel Divinity: Removes harmful effects from your target. Leaves a lingering immunity to natural and magical diseases and poisons for 12 seconds per Cleric level. (Cooldown: 2 seconds)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Bliss: When you use a Turn Attempt for any reason, you gain 3/4/5 Temporary Hit Points for each Healing Core Ability you possess.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Altruism: +1/+2/+3 Concentration, Diplomacy and Heal. Rank 3: You also gain +10 Positive Energy Spell Power.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 1 | No requirements |
Tier Two[edit]
Requires Cleric Level 2, 5 APs spent in tree
Efficient Empower Healing: Healing spells cast while the Empower Healing Spell feat is activated cost 1/2/4 fewer spell points.
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AP Cost: 2 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 5 | Requires: Empower Healing Spell | |
Purge Dark Magics: Channel Divinity: Dispels 1/2/3 hostile magical effects from your target. (Cooldown: 6 seconds)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 5 | Requires: Divine Cleansing | |
Divine Healing: Channel Divinity: Your target heals 1d4/2d4/4d4 hp every 2 seconds for 2 seconds per point of Heal skill you possess (no initial tick). (Cooldown: 2 seconds)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 5 | No requirements | |
Improved Turning: You count as 1/2/3 levels higher when turning undead. This increases the maximum level of creature you can turn and also increases the total number of hit dice you can turn.
In addition, you add an additional 2/4/6 to the number of hit dice you can turn. | ||||
AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 5 | No requirements | |
Mighty Turning: Undead that you successfully turn are instead destroyed.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 5 | Requires: Improved Turning |
Tier Three[edit]
Requires Cleric Level 3, 10 APs spent in tree
Divine Aid: +3% Positive Spell Crit Damage
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Intense Healing: Your Positive Energy Spells are cast at +1/+2/+3 caster level.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 10 | No requirements | |
Unyielding Sovereignty: Activate: Fully heals all hit point damage done to a targeted ally, and removes ability damage, death penalty effects, negative levels, and the conditions blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, and stunned. (Cooldown: 5 minutes)
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AP Cost: 2 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 10 | No requirements | |
Martyrdom: Toggle: When you are killed, four turn attempts are expended. All nearby living allies and enemy undead receive 1000 positive energy healing and are affected by your Divine Cleansing ability if you possess it. This healing effect is unaffected by Spell Power. (This ability has no effect if you have insufficient turn attempts when you die.) This ability toggles off on death.
Bug: Martyrdom applies to enemy mobs as well as party members. It also heals for more than it is suppose to (twice as much in this case). | ||||
AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 10 | No requirements | |
Charisma or Wisdom: Choose one:
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AP Cost: 2 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 10 | No requirements |
Tier Four[edit]
Requires Cleric Level 4, 20 APs spent in tree
Divine Aid: +3% Positive Spell Crit Damage
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 1 | No requirements | |
Incredible Healing: The maximum caster level of your Positive Energy Spells are increased by 1/2/3.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 20 | Requires: Intense Healing | |
Divine Health: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases.
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AP Cost: 2 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 20 | No requirements | |
Endless Turning: Turn Undead uses regenerate at a rate of one every 120 seconds, or 10%/20%/30% faster if it already regenerates.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 3 | Progression: 20 | Requires: Improved Turning | |
Charisma or Wisdom: Choose one:
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AP Cost: 2 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 20 | Requires: Charisma or Wisdom (Tier 3) |
Tier Five[edit]
Requires Cleric Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree
Positive Energy Aura: Channel Divinity: A positive energy aura envelops you in an aura of healing, positive energy, and affects a number of targets equal to Cleric level. Allies within the aura are healed 1 hit point per 3 Cleric levels as long as they remain within it. Undead enemies are damaged for the same amount. (Cooldown: 6 seconds) (Metamagic: Empower Heal)
Note: Each tick refreshes on-heal abilities such as Sacred Touch. | ||||
AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | No requirements | |
Cure Focus: Your Cure Wounds spells have no maximum caster level.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | Requires: Incredible Healing | |
Radiance: All allies in the dungeon (regardless of distance) gain the effects of the Greater Restoration spell, and are purged of Paralysis, Stun, and Knockdown/Trip. You may use this while Crowd Controlled.(Cooldown: 6 seconds) (Metamagic: Empower Heal)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | No requirements | |
Reactive Heal: Channel Divinity: The next time your target falls below half hit points, they receive 250 positive energy healing. A target can only benefit from a Reactive Heal once every 3 minutes (reset by resting). This healing effect is unaffected by spell power. (Cooldown: 6 seconds)
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | No requirements | |
Divine Energy Resistance: You and nearby allies gain +35 Enhancement bonus to resist Energy for 1 minute per character level.(Includes Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Sonic.) Spell-Like Ability: This ability benefits from your Metamagic Feats (such as Quicken) without paying the normal additional spell point cost.
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AP Cost: 1 | Ranks: 1 | Progression: 30 | No requirements |