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Dilettante feats

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Dilettante feats are special feats available to Half-Elves. They enable a Half-Elf to garner some of the abilities of another class other than the class they have chosen. A Half-Elf can choose any one of these feats he or she meets the listed requirements for at character creation.

When retraining feats by talking to Fred, ability increase tome bonuses are NOT counted for prerequisites, however, ability increases from level-upIcon tooltip.pngCharacters can increase an ability by one at levels: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24. ARE counted. (Nov 2012 forum post)

Along with various bonuses, you, with these feats, count as a level one of the class for item use purposes (class restricted items, scrolls and wands). These feats are not recommended for characters with actual levels of the class.