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Wayfinder Dael.jpg

Name: Wayfinder Dael

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): The Seal of Shan-To-Kor, The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade

Receives Quest(s): The Seal of Shan-To-Kor, Halls of Shan-To-Kor

Affiliation(s): The Wayfinder Foundation


Description: When you first meet her in the Stormreach Marketplace she asks you to find the Seal of Shan-To-Kor to prevent the Giant clans from uniting. Much later, you meet her again, while being prisoner of some kobolds in the Driftwood Mire, and if you pretend to not know her, she will reveal how she manipulated you.

The Marketplace[edit]

Location In Marketplace

Before The Seal of Shan-To-Kor is bestowed:

  • Wayfinder Dael: You... you look like a competent <class>. How would you like to do a job for the Wayfinder Foundation?
    • You: Yes, I'm looking for freelance work.
    • You: No, I'm not interested in a job right now. (Ends Conversation)

After The Seal of Shan-To-Kor is bestowed but before completion:

After you recover the seal, she will reply:

  • Wayfinder Dael: This... this is the true Seal of Shan-To-Kor!
  • Wayfinder Dael: Without it, the Hobgoblins will not be able to buy the Giants' allegiance, nor will it inspire the Giants clans to reconquer their ancient empire here in Xen'drik.
  • Wayfinder Dael: The Seal will be transported to Sharn, where the Giants will never find it. You have changed the course of history this day!

After you complete the quest, she will say:

  • Wayfinder Dael: The Seal of Shan-To-Kor might have rallied the Giantish clans together—not to mention allying them with the Hobgoblins.
  • Wayfinder Dael: But thanks to you, the Seal is safely hidden in Wayfinder hands now. You have earned my regard.

Driftwood Mire[edit]

After you destroy the crystal that keep her locked with the kobold treasure, she will say:

  • Dael: By the Host, am I glad to see you! I can finally leave this Kobold infested swamp—what with all their attention on you.
  • Dael: But before I go, you should know how they got so powerful... they have the backing of a Dragon!
  • Dael: It's really just a youngling—the mother's away at the monent. If you can find its lair in this swamp, you won't get a better opportunity to strike.
    • You: Say, you look familiar...
      • Dael: Have you ever been to Stormreach's Marketplace? Perhaps that's where we crossed paths.
        • You: Why yes, I've spent quite a bit of time in Stormreach.
          • Dael: Hey, I recognise you! You helped me retrieve the Seal of Shan-to-kor!
        • You: No, I've never been to Stormreach.
          • Dael: That's good—it's full of do-gooder morons.
          • Dael: I remember this time when I duped this adventurer into thinking I was a Wayfinder... can you imagine, me, a Wayfinder? Ha, ha!
          • Dael: I got the fool to retrieve a valuable artifact for me. If only Sorjek hadn't cheated me out of my fee—cheap skate took the seal and knocked me off his mountain!
          • Dael: Anyway, I should get out of here.
            • You: Whatever. You look after your own hide—I'll go deal with the Dragon.
              • Dael: I have an old invisibility trick that should let me take it from here. Thanks for your help!
        • You: All right, head for safety. I'll deal with the dragon.
          • Dael: ??????????????????
    • You: All right, head for safety. I'll deal with the dragon.
      • Dael: ??????????????????