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Main article: Augment Slot
Item DDO Points Benefits
Colorless 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Blue 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Red 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Yellow 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Ruby Eye 395 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.

Prices Current as of April 23, 2014

Augment Tools[edit]

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 Benefits
Bonepicker 150 DP 195 DP A tool for removing Isle of Dread augments from Dinosaur Bone items.
Jeweler's Tool Kit 150 DP 595 DP 995 DP Use this item to safely unslot an Augment from an item, returning it to your inventory. This process will consume these tools, but will not affect the item or the recovered Augment.
Sentience Toolkit 150 DP 195 DP 245 DP A tool for removing sentient jewels and filigree from weapons. Note: To remove a sentient jewel, you must first remove all filigree.

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Cannith Crafting[edit]

Crafting Experience Elixirs, Boosters, Essences, Fragments are use for Cannith Crafting. Items are Bound to Account.

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 ×25 Benefits
Lesser Crafting Experience Elixir| 10 DP 40 DP Grants a 25% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Medium Crafting Experience Elixir 20 DP 80 DP Grants a 50% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Greater Crafting Experience Elixir 30 DP 90 DP Grants a 75% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Major Crafting Experience Elixir 40 DP 160 DP Grants a 100% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
+20% Crafting Success Booster 75 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 20%.
+25% Crafting Success Booster 95 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 25%.
+30% Crafting Success Booster 125 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 30%.
+35% Crafting Success Booster 150 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 35%.
Customizable Trinket 150 DP Upgraded through the crafting system. Can have only two effects on it at a time.
Remote Item Deconstruction 50 DP Deconstruct items in quests or anywhere else. Upon use, the deconstruction window opens and lasts for two minutes.
Crafting Dissolver 25 DP Used in deconstruction crafting recipes to dissolve effects off of items and reduce them to their base magical essences.
Mark of House Cannith 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes, allows you to lower the min. lv. usage requirement on a craftable item once you have enough crafting skill to use them. Available in game from the House Cannith Favor vendor, Visgard d'Cannith.
Mark of the Silver Flame 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes. Contains 1 ingredient. Available in game from the Silver Flame Favor vendor, Salariin Founts.
Mark of the Yugoloth 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes. Contains 1 ingredient. Available in game from the Yugoloth Favor vendor, Azdaf the Wary.
Rare Collectables Voucher 245 DP Use this item to select which type of Rare Collectable you would like. After choosing you will receive five of the chosen Rare Collectable in your inventory. Collectables can be used in Cannifth crafting, or turned in to collectors. One use.
Random Collectables Crate 45 DP A crate containing a random selection of collectables. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is guaranteed to be at least uncommon in rarity. Any of the stacks can be rare!.
Tier 1 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 1 collectables, suitable for levels 1-5. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 2 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 2 collectables, suitable for levels 6-10. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 3 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 3 collectables, suitable for levels 11-15. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 4 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 4 collectables, suitable for levels 16-20. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 5 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 5 collectables, suitable for levels 21-25. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 6 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 6 collectables, suitable for levels 25 & up. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!

Used in special crafting recipes, these Marks can be obtained in game from the Silver Flame Favor vendor only after you have earned enough favor to earn their Third Tier Favor Reward. Contains 1 ingredient.

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Item ×25 ×100 ×500 ×1,000 Benefits
Cannith Essencess 55 DP 125 DP 895 DP Cannith Essences for use in Cannith crafting. Used in Cannith crafting recipes to make shards. The shards are then used to apply effects to equipment. Essences that are auctionable, tradable, and vendorable.
Siberys Dragonshard Fragments 60 DP These crystal fragments are used in many basic crafting recipes.
Khyber Dragonshard Fragments 60 DP 180 DP 300 DP These shards are used to bind items to your character with the Eldritch Crafting Device.

Siberys Dragonshard Fragments and Khyber Dragonshards can also be obtained in game.
Prices Current as of November 18, 2018

Shroud Ingredients[edit]

Green Steel Item ingredients are available from chest rewards in The Shroud. Items from DDO Store are Bound to Account.

Green Steel Ingredients
Item DDO Points Item DDO Points
Small Devil Scale 60 DP Small Glowing Arrowhead 60 DP
Small Gnawed Bone 60 DP Small Length of Infernal Chain 60 DP
Small Sulfurous Stone 60 DP Small Twisted Shrapnel 60 DP
Eberron Energy Cell1 60 DP Shavarath Low Energy Cell 60 DP
Depleted Shavarath High Energy Cell 200 DP Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell 100 DP
Yellow Dopant (Greensteel Ingredient) 395 DP
Item ×1 ×5 ×100 Benefits
Legendary Greensteel Extractor 195 DP 395 DP 750 DP Use this item to safely unslot a Legendary Greensteel Augment from a Legendary Greensteel item, returning it to your inventory. This process will consume the Extractor, but will not affect the item or the recovered augment.

1. Can be purchased from a vendor in Altar of Fecundity chamber in Meridia.
Prices Current as of August 25, 2012

Trap Parts[edit]

Trap Parts are used by Rogues who have the Trapmaking feat.
See Trapmaking for more information.

Item ×10 ×100 Classes Benefits
Crude Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Simple Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Unadorned Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Acid Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Cold Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Electrical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Fire Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Force Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Magical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Mechanical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Sonic Trap Part 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.

Vials and trap parts can also be obtained in game.
Prices Current as of November 20, 2011