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DDO wiki talk:Naming policy

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Conflicting naming policy

Naming policy expansion

I'm just working on a project, where I get into contact with focus orb images and icons.

I think that an expansion of the naming policy makes sense:

  • The policy states how general orbs are named. Maybe it makes sense to add a reference to Focus Orb and request to check there before new orb images are uploaded
  • I'm generally missing a naming policy for icon files: One often used policy is "icon category type desc.png" (icon items weapon club.png)

Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 15:15, March 22, 2021 (EDT)

  • We should have a new discussion. The one above is over 5 years old and closed with no consensus.  👟 ShoeMaker (Contribs • Message) 👟 22:43, May 28, 2021 (EDT)

Naming policy expansion -- orbs and icons

I'm just working on a project, where I get into contact with focus orb images and icons.

I think that an expansion of the naming policy makes sense:

  • The policy states how general orbs are named. Maybe it makes sense to add a reference to Focus Orb and request to check there before new orb images are uploaded
  • I'm generally missing a naming policy for icon files: One often used policy is "icon category type desc.png" (icon items weapon club.png)

Corgrind (ContribsMessage) 10:25, May 31, 2021 (EDT)