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DDO Chat Channels

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DDO Chat Explained[edit]

Communication - everyone knows this is a key to success - and so it is also in DDO; to be as efficient at completing any task when you are playing requires that you are able to communicate effectively at any given time with not only those in your current party, but also your friends, your guildies, tells as well as doing other things like using the trade channel. There are also functions you want to view constantly such as the combat log or general chat which will show NPC dialogues in quest with information - there's many uses. The default chat tabs you see on the initial window when first playing a character are 'General', 'Combat', 'Party' and 'Guild'. So before moving on to more complicated things lets look at these some more.

Creating New Windows & Tabs[edit]

  • Creating a new chat window:
    • Right click on any of the tabs in your chat window.
    • Left click on Create Window.
    • Right click on the new 'Default1' tab and select 'Undock'.
    • Move the window to your desired location.
    • To place that window back onto another window as a tab (to redock it) simply drag the windows tab into the middle of the chat window you wish to place it in.

Renaming, incoming & outgoing message types[edit]

  • To rename a windows tab:
    • Right click the tab you want to rename.
    • Select rename this
  • To adjust the incoming & outgoing messages for individual tabs:
    • Right click on a tab
    • Select 'Set Incoming Text Types'
    • Tick each option that you wish to see appearing within that window; incoming can be multiple types but outgoing can only be one.

Private chat channels[edit]

You have four private chat channels which you can use to join others who have created either public or private rooms; you can see the status of these at any time by typing: /listchannels - this will show as UC1/2/3/4 or also which channels you are a member of currently. In order to join any channel you need to type /joinchannel 'Channel name' & (optional only)'channel password' - these will be case sensitive so be careful not to make any errors. Once you have joined the channel correctly the chat window will display how many other members are in the channel at that time - and each time you login to that character there-after. Several groups have channels set-up that require a password to join such as collaboration between multiple guilds in order to pool resources or players as an extension of the social LFM panel as an example of efficient use of channels.

If you choose to join a channel with a unique name that channel will then be created, you can then use it yourself and give others the username & password so they may join you.

On almost all of the servers, two helpful channels without passwords are /joinchannel help & /joinchannel theMarket.

Once you have joined a channel to use that channel quickly and without having to select its tab manually in order to start typing simply begin your message with: /1 in any chat window - your message will go directly to your UC1 channel (see /listchannels)

If you are a new player then the help channel will be great benefit to you, why not start by introducing yourself as a new player and then post your questions (and answers too if you can help others).

The 'Help' Channel can be used to answer a variety of questions you may have about the game; whether you are stuck on a certain quest, want more info about items or general play or learning to find groups. But keep in mind it is manned by players in the game who are providing you with this help. Different servers may have a different amount of players on. When you join the channel you will see the number of members on. Since they are players they may be in quests, remember to please be patient.

If you ever need to leave a channel type /leavechannel 'name' , then that channel will be free for future use.

Be aware that the channel password are case sensitive.


  • Summary of commands:
    • /joinchannel - Join a chat channel using a channel name & password
    • /leavechannel - Leave a channel.
    • /listchannels - Show all channels you are a member of & their username/passwords.
    • /1 or /2 or /3 or /4 - Talk directly to the specified chat channel from any window.
  • Remember that you can always use /help to show all game commands too.

Public Chat Channels by server[edit]

Public chat channels created by players for all players who would like to join.

All Servers[edit]

  • global (no password)


  • playargo (no password)
  • agents (no password)


  • CannithTrade (no password)
  • Abbot (no password)




  • titan (no password)
  • eeraids (endgame)


  • help (no password)


  • Thelanis (DDO)


  • Wayfinderraids (no password)



  • DevChat (no password)
  • DDOwiki (no password)