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Item:Commendation: Druids of the King's Forest

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Commendation: Druids of the King's Forest

Type This is a valuable item that can be exchanged for goods if brought to a Eveningstar Commendations trader. Commendation Druids of the King's Forest.png
Description This is a token of favor earned by helping the Druids of the King's Forest. You can exchange it in Eveningstar for powerful equipment.
Binding Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Value 2,000 pp
IngredientsIcon tooltip.pngItems used in the creation of this item 3 Commendation: Clerics of Amaunator
3 Commendation: Purple Dragon Knights
3 Commendation: Villagers of Eveningstar
3 Commendation: War Wizards
CollectorsIcon tooltip.pngCollectors or Crafting Devices where the item may be turned in Arcton Greenwort - -
Drop locationsIcon tooltip.pngQuests or Zones where the item may drop not in a chest The King's Forest
QuestsIcon tooltip.pngQuests where item is given or may be selected as end reward The High Road
High Road of Shadows
Quest chainsIcon tooltip.pngQuest chains where the item is given or selected as end chan reward The Druid's Deep
