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Category:The Reaver's Fate loot

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Update 12 modified the raid loot to be upgradeable and changed it in some other ways. This list shows the new items. For reference on the pre-U12 stats, see The Reaver's Fate loot history. U12.3 allows for Pre-U12 versions of this loot to be converted to new upgradable versions at the Stormreaver Monument. All items are ML 13 and Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire unless otherwise noted.

  • Cloudburst - +5 GreatswordIcon tooltip.png+5 Greatsword: (2d6+5 19-20/x2): The largest of the swords, this weapon can only be used with two hands. - Shocking BurstIcon tooltip.pngShocking Burst: This weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity, and deals 1 to 6 electric damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 electric damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier., CloudburstIcon tooltip.pngCloudburst: On Vorpal, this weapon triggers a Cloudburst, striking its target with lightning and dealing sonic damage to surrounding enemies through a powerful thunderclap.
    • Upgrade: Adds Lightning StrikeIcon tooltip.png Lightning Strike: This weapon stores the power of a volatile thunderstorm deep within. Occasionally, this dynamic power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with a massive lightning strike.