Last Edited
Sphere of Waves (edit)
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Wave and Sentient Jewel of Wave
Reflection of Blackrazor (edit)
Great Sword
- +15 Enhancement Bonus+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Overwhelming Stealer of SoulsOverwhelming Stealer of Souls: This weapon tears at the very essence of your foes. On any strike, this weapon applies a single stack of Soul Scar, which reduces your target's Will Saves, Armor Class, and Fortification by 1 per stack, max 10. Occasionally, this weapon attempts to rip the life from your foe, as if it were the victim of a Phantasmal Killer spell with a DC of 100 versus Will. Bosses (and enemies with more than 10,000 hit points) are immune to this effect. Killing a monster will consume your soul, adding a stack of Consumed Soul to you. Consumed Souls stack up to 20 times, and linger for 20 seconds. Each one provides a +1 Profane bonus to Damage and Melee Power. If you block or unequip this weapon, the Consumed Souls will be released.
- KeenKeen: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. This does not stack with Improved Critical feat. Vorpal Strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification.
- Entropic 6Entropic 6: This weapon is intensely powerful, and crackles with destructive, unpredictable magic. It deals an additional 6d6 untyped damage on each hit.
- Vampirism 3Vampirism 3: This weapon thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +3d2 hit points with each hit.
Note: internal cooldown of 1 second.
- Psychic WardPsychic Ward: This items wards you against mind-altering effects and spells, such as Charm and Domination.
- Red Augment SlotRed AugmentsColorless Augments
- Orange Augment SlotOrange AugmentsYellow AugmentsRed AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards and Legendary Echo of Blackrazor and Sentient Jewel of Blackrazor
Soulrazor (edit)
Long Sword
- +15 Enhancement Bonus+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Overwhelming Stealer of SoulsOverwhelming Stealer of Souls: This weapon tears at the very essence of your foes. On any strike, this weapon applies a single stack of Soul Scar, which reduces your target's Will Saves, Armor Class, and Fortification by 1 per stack, max 10. Occasionally, this weapon attempts to rip the life from your foe, as if it were the victim of a Phantasmal Killer spell with a DC of 100 versus Will. Bosses (and enemies with more than 10,000 hit points) are immune to this effect. Killing a monster will consume your soul, adding a stack of Consumed Soul to you. Consumed Souls stack up to 20 times, and linger for 20 seconds. Each one provides a +1 Profane bonus to Damage and Melee Power. If you block or unequip this weapon, the Consumed Souls will be released.
- KeenKeen: Passive: The base critical threat range of this weapon is doubled. This does not stack with Improved Critical feat. Vorpal Strikes by this weapon also bypass all Fortification.
- Entropic 6Entropic 6: This weapon is intensely powerful, and crackles with destructive, unpredictable magic. It deals an additional 6d6 untyped damage on each hit.
- Vampirism 3Vampirism 3: This weapon thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +3d2 hit points with each hit.
Note: internal cooldown of 1 second.
- Psychic WardPsychic Ward: This items wards you against mind-altering effects and spells, such as Charm and Domination.
- Red Augment SlotRed AugmentsColorless Augments
- Orange Augment SlotOrange AugmentsYellow AugmentsRed AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Blackrazor and Sentient Jewel of Blackrazor
Reflection of Whelm (edit)
War Hammer
- +15 Enhancement Bonus+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Overwhelming ShockwaveOverwhelming Shockwave: This legendary weapon resonates with incredible power. On a Vorpal strike that is confirmed as a critical hit, it releases a Shockwave that does tremendous Sonic damage to all foes. Furthermore, the enemy that the shockwave is released on is Dazed from the force of the blast.
- Blunt TraumaBlunt Trauma: This weapon is incredibly dense and delivers especially powerful blows. When rolling a 19 or 20 on a melee attack, your critical multiplier is increased by +1.
- BonesplitterBonesplitter: This weapon is powerful enough to shatter the bones of those it strikes. On an attack roll of 20 which is confirmed as a critical hit, the weapon breaks multiple bones in the target's body, causing significant impairment. Creatures with skeletons take 40d6 damage and will have their movement and attacks slowed by 25% and their attack damage reduced by 25% when their bones are shattered.
- Giant Bane 6Giant Bane 6: This weapon is attuned specifically to hunt a larger foe, dealing an additional 6d10 bane damage vs. Giants.
- Red Augment SlotRed AugmentsColorless Augments
- Orange Augment SlotOrange AugmentsYellow AugmentsRed AugmentsColorless Augments
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Whelm, and Sentient Jewel of Whelm
Overwhelming Impact (edit)
Throwing Hammer
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Whelm, and Sentient Jewel of Whelm
Reflection of Angdrelve (edit)
Great Sword
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards and Legendary Wave of Sorrow
Soul's Sorrow (edit)
Bastard Sword
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards and Legendary Wave of Despair
- Update 66.0.1
- 10 months and 18 days
- BugTime
Reflection of The Frostblade (edit)
Bound to Character on AcquireBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards and an Epic Leopard's Chill
Reflection of Wave (edit)
Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Schism Shard Crafting, Turn in 5 Schism Shards, Legendary Echo of Wave, and Sentient Jewel of Wave