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Category:Nonstandard Spell Power items

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Acidic Insignia • Acidic Sphere • Amulet of the Makers • Arcane Goggles • Arcane Necklace • Armor of Moonlight • Band of Diani ir'Wynarn • Barovian's Sceptre • Blessed Longsword of the Golden Age • Blessed Longsword of the Undying Age • Blight Inferno • Bolt Insignia • Bolt Sphere • Booming Longsword of the Golden Age • Booming Longsword of the Undying Age • Boots of Uncanny Mending • Boundless • Breastplate of the Celestial Sage • Breath of Vitality • Brightgaze • Burning Longsword of the Golden Age • Burning Longsword of the Undying Age • Caustic Longsword of the Golden Age • Caustic Longsword of the Undying Age • Coalesced Coinage • Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff • Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff • Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff • Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff • Conduit of the Soul • Construct's Mantle • Corrosive Devoted Quarterstaff • Corrosive Nullified Quarterstaff • Corrosive Radiant Quarterstaff • Corrosive Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Corrosive Resonating Quarterstaff • Crystalline Gauntlets • Cuffs of the Forbidden • Cursed Skull • Darksphere • Date Night Bouquet • Deathly Longsword of the Golden Age • Deathly Longsword of the Undying Age • Deathwarden • Deathwyrm Cloak • Desolation Spectacles • Dethek Runestone • Devoted Goggles • Devoted Necklace • Docent of Insight • Docent of the Celestial Sage • Dragontouched Armor • Driftwood • Dusk Lenses • Echo of the Artblade • Elemental Resonance items • Elyd Charm • Entropic Heartstone • Epic Coalesced Coinage • Epic Docent of Insight • Epic Hull-Melter's Mace (level 20) • Epic Hull-Melter's Mace (level 24) • Epic Hull-Melter's Mace (level 28) • Epic Immaculate Globe • Epic Locked and Loaded • Epic Ring of the Black Abishai • Epic Ring of the Blue Abishai • Epic Ring of the Green Abishai • Epic Ring of the Red Abishai • Epic Ring of the White Abishai • Epic Robe of Insight • Epic Sceptre of Combustion • Epic Sceptre of Corrosion • Epic Sceptre of Devotion • Epic Sceptre of Glaciation • Epic Sceptre of Impulse • Epic Sceptre of Magnetism • Epic Sceptre of Nullification • Epic Sceptre of Radiance • Epic Sceptre of Reconstruction • Epic Sceptre of Resonation • Epic Shard of Vollun • Epic Skullduggery Cap • Epic Staff of Inner Sight • Epic The Drowned (level 20) • Epic The Drowned (level 24) • Epic The Drowned (level 28) • Epic Whirling Words • Eyes of Defilement • Eyes of Enlightenment • Feast of the Four Fighters Commemorative Cookbook • Flame Insignia • Flame Sphere • Flawless Blue Dragonhide Armor • Flawless Blue Dragonplate Armor • Flawless Blue Dragonscale Armor • Flawless Blue Dragonscale Docent • Flawless Blue Dragonscale Robe • Flower Boots • Freezing Longsword of the Golden Age • Freezing Longsword of the Undying Age • Fusible Sceptre of Combustion • Fusible Sceptre of Corrosion • Fusible Sceptre of Glaciation • Fusible Sceptre of Impulse • Fusible Sceptre of Magnetism • Glacial Insignia • Glacial Sphere • Glaciated Devoted Quarterstaff • Glaciated Nullified Quarterstaff • Glaciated Radiant Quarterstaff • Glaciated Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Glaciated Resonating Quarterstaff • Glasses of the Studious Mage • Gleaming Longsword of the Golden Age • Gleaming Longsword of the Undying Age • Globe of Incandescence • Grix's Gouger • Hallowsphere • Helm of the Blue Dragon • Helm of the Blue Dragon (Level 23) • Helm of the Blue Dragon (Level 24) • Helm of the Blue Dragon (Level 25) • Helm of the Dire Cult • Hull-Melter's Mace • Hull-Melter's Mace (level 12) • Hull-Melter's Mace (level 16) • Hull-Melter's Mace (level 4) • Hull-Melter's Mace (level 8) • Hyrsam's Fiddle • Impulsive Devoted Quarterstaff • Impulsive Nullified Quarterstaff • Impulsive Radiant Quarterstaff • Impulsive Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Impulsive Resonating Quarterstaff • Kinetic Longsword of the Golden Age • Kinetic Longsword of the Undying Age • Leathers of the Celestial Sage • Legendary Acidic Sphere • Legendary Amulet of the Makers • Legendary Armor of Moonlight • Legendary Blessed Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Blight Inferno • Legendary Bolt Sphere • Legendary Booming Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Boots of Uncanny Mending • Legendary Boundless • Legendary Burning Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Caustic Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Combustible Devoted Quarterstaff • Legendary Combustible Nullified Quarterstaff • Legendary Combustible Radiant Quarterstaff • Legendary Combustible Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Legendary Combustible Resonating Quarterstaff • Legendary Conduit of the Soul • Legendary Construct's Mantle • Legendary Corrosive Devoted Quarterstaff • Legendary Corrosive Nullified Quarterstaff • Legendary Corrosive Radiant Quarterstaff • Legendary Corrosive Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Legendary Corrosive Resonating Quarterstaff • Legendary Cuffs of the Forbidden • Legendary Cursed Skull • Legendary Darstil's Gloves • Legendary Date Night Bouquet • Legendary Deathly Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Deathwarden • Legendary Dusk Lenses • Legendary Echo of the Artblade • Legendary Entropic Heartstone • Legendary Eyes of Enlightenment • Legendary Feast of the Four Fighters Commemorative Cookbook • Legendary Flame Sphere • Legendary Freezing Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Combustion • Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Corrosion • Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Glaciation • Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Impulse • Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Magnetism • Legendary Glacial Sphere • Legendary Glaciated Devoted Quarterstaff • Legendary Glaciated Nullified Quarterstaff • Legendary Glaciated Radiant Quarterstaff • Legendary Glaciated Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Legendary Glaciated Resonating Quarterstaff • Legendary Glasses of the Studious Mage • Legendary Gleaming Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Gloves of the Glacier • Legendary Hallowsphere • Legendary Hull-Melter's Mace (level 32) • Legendary Immaculate Globe • Legendary Impulsive Devoted Quarterstaff • Legendary Impulsive Nullified Quarterstaff • Legendary Impulsive Radiant Quarterstaff • Legendary Impulsive Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Legendary Impulsive Resonating Quarterstaff • Legendary Kinetic Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Liturgy of the Dark Six • Legendary Magnetic Devoted Quarterstaff • Legendary Magnetic Nullified Quarterstaff • Legendary Magnetic Radiant Quarterstaff • Legendary Magnetic Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Legendary Magnetic Resonating Quarterstaff • Legendary Malleable Sceptre of Devotion • Legendary Malleable Sceptre of Nullification • Legendary Malleable Sceptre of Radiance • Legendary Malleable Sceptre of Reconstruction • Legendary Malleable Sceptre of Resonation • Legendary Many-Pouched Belt of the Healer • Legendary Mending Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Mutilator of Minds • Legendary Mystic Monocle • Legendary Mystic Wrappings • Legendary Pansophic Circlet • Legendary Pendant of the Earth • Legendary Pendant of the Sea • Legendary Pendant of the Sky • Legendary Prototype I: Siren Test • Legendary Prototype II: Cooling Mechanism • Legendary Prototype III: Propulsion Module • Legendary Prototype IV: Discharge System • Legendary Prototype V: Byproduct Disposal • Legendary Prototype VI: Impact Redistributor • Legendary Prototype VII: Flash Transferal • Legendary Resplendant Fury • Legendary Ring of the Altered Soul • Legendary Ring of the Black Abishai • Legendary Ring of the Blue Abishai • Legendary Ring of the Green Abishai • Legendary Ring of the Red Abishai • Legendary Ring of the Transformed Voice • Legendary Ring of the Unlocked Mind • Legendary Ring of the White Abishai • Legendary Robe of Fire • Legendary Robe of Sunlight • Legendary Rune Arm of Nature's Wrath • Legendary Rune Arm of the Great Decay • Legendary Rust-Laden Pendant • Legendary Sacrarium Cloak • Legendary Shard of Vollun • Legendary Shocking Longsword of the Golden Age • Legendary Skullduggery Cap • Legendary Skulled Ring • Legendary Solid Sound • Legendary Spinneret • Legendary Staff of Inner Sight • Legendary Stone-forged Gauntlet • Legendary Stone Shoes • Legendary Stormsinger Cloak • Legendary Study Spectacles • Legendary Stygian Wrath • Legendary Sunken Slippers • Legendary Teraza's Perfect Sight • Legendary Teraza's Sight • Legendary The Binding of the Blood • Legendary The Drowned (level 32) • Legendary University Researcher's Cloak • Legendary Wild Flame • Legendary Wild Frost • Libram of Silver Magic • Liturgy of the Dark Six • Locked and Loaded • Lorikk's Champion • Lorrik's Necklace • Lunar Gem of Spellpower (Heroic) • Lunar Gem of Spellpower (Legendary) • Magewright's Cloak • Magewright's Spectacles • Magnetic Devoted Quarterstaff • Magnetic Nullified Quarterstaff • Magnetic Radiant Quarterstaff • Magnetic Reconstructed Quarterstaff • Magnetic Resonating Quarterstaff • Malleable Sceptre of Devotion • Malleable Sceptre of Nullification • Malleable Sceptre of Radiance • Malleable Sceptre of Reconstruction • Malleable Sceptre of Resonation • Many-Pouched Belt of the Healer • Mending Longsword of the Golden Age • Mending Longsword of the Undying Age • Misery Monocle • Mori's Focus • Morion of the Undying • Morninglord's Sceptre • Mutilator of Minds • Mystic Monocle • Mystic Wrappings • Nocturne, the Song of Night • Null, the Darkness Without • Orb of Acid • Orb of Electricity • Orb of Flame • Orb of Frost • Pansophic Circlet • Path of the Fire Dragon items • Pendant of the Earth • Pendant of the Sea • Pendant of the Sky • Planar Focus of Erudition • Platemail of the Celestial Sage • Poisonclasp • Pomura's Impaler • Prototype I: Siren Test • Prototype II: Cooling Mechanism • Prototype III: Propulsion Module • Prototype IV: Discharge System • Prototype V: Byproduct Disposal • Prototype VI: Impact Redistributor • Prototype VII: Flash Transferal • Red Wizard's Sight • Reflection of the Crownblade • Resonant Cloth • Resplendant Fury • Ring of the Black Abishai • Ring of the Blue Abishai • Ring of the Green Abishai • Ring of the Red Abishai • Ring of the White Abishai • Robe of Insight • Robe of Sunlight • Robe of the Celestial Sage • Rune Arm of Nature's Wrath • Rune Arm of the Great Decay • Runic Trinket • Rust-Laden Pendant • Sacrarium Cloak • Scalemail of the Celestial Sage • Shadowscythe • Shard of Vollun • Shocking Longsword of the Golden Age • Shocking Longsword of the Undying Age • Skulled Ring • Solar Gem of Spellpower (Heroic) • Solar Gem of Spellpower (Legendary) • Solid Sound • Spell Resonance items • Spell Turmoil items • Spinneret • Stolen Signet of ir'Wynarn • Stone Shoes • Study Spectacles • Stygian Wrath • Sunken Slippers • The Binding of the Blood • The Demon Engine • The Drowned • The Drowned (level 12) • The Drowned (level 16) • The Drowned (level 4) • The Drowned (level 8) • The Eclipse Itself • The Hunter's Axe • The Hunter's Darkblade • The Hunter's Handaxe • The Inferno's Demands • The Legendary Queen's Sceptre • The Queen's Sceptre • The Theurgy of Autumn • The Theurgy of Spring • The Theurgy of Summer • The Theurgy of Winter • The Zarash'ak Ward • Titan Control Matrix • University Researcher's Cloak • Whirling Words • Wild Flame • Wild Frost • Xachosian Eardweller


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