Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your free Dragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Category:Item description templates

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It has been suggested this category should be merged.
Hoopy Froodle has suggested that this category should be merged into Category:Item effect templates.
Please express your opinions of this merge on the talk page.
Buttonized? Auto-Cat
Template name\link Short description #
Template:Absorption 1
Template:Armor Mastery 2
Template:ArmorBonus 3
Template:ArmorPiercing 4
Template:AttackBonus 5
Template:Attuned to Heroism 6
Template:Augment 7
Template:Augmentation 8
Template:Axeblock 9
Template:Backstabbing DEPRECATED as REPLACED by Template:Sneak Attack Bonus 10
Template:Bane 11
Template:Bind 12
Template:Blunted DEPRECATED as MERGED into Template:Dmg 13
Template:Bonus Turning 14
Template:Boon of Undeath 15
Template:Clicky 16
Template:Command DEPRECIATED as MERGED into Template:Skills 17
Template:Commendation 18
Template:Concealment 19
Template:Craftable DEPRECIATED as MERGED into Template:MiscEffects 20
Template:Deathblock 21
Template:Deception DEPRECATED as MERGED into Template:Dmg 22
Template:Demon Fever 23
Template:Dmg 24
Template:Dodge 25
Template:Doublestrike 26
Template:DR 27
Template:Dream Vision 28
Template:Efficient Metamagic 29
Template:Enhancement bonus 30
Template:False Life 31
Template:Feather Falling 32
Template:Fortification 33
Template:Ghostly 34
Template:Good luck DEPRECATED as REDIRECTED to Template:Good Luck 35
Template:Good Luck 36
Template:Guard 37
Template:HealingAmp 38
Template:Heightened Awareness 39
Template:Immunity 40
Template:Incite 41
Template:ItemGrantedFeat 42
Template:Keen DEPRECATED as MERGED into Template:Dmg 43
Template:Mat 44
Template:Medusa Fury 45
Template:Named item sets 46
Template:NaturalBonus 47
Template:OrgClicky 48
Template:Parrying 49
Template:Power 50
Template:Proof 51
Template:ProtectionBonus 52
Template:RelentlessFury 53
Template:Res Elemental Resistance 54
Template:Resistance Resistance (enchantment) 55
Template:Returning 56
Template:Rough Hide 57
Template:Save 58
Template:Seeker 59
Template:Shatter 60
Template:Sheltering 61
Template:Shield Bonus 62
Template:Skills 63
Template:Spearblock 64
Template:Spell Resistance 65
Template:Spellfocus 66
Template:Spelllore 67
Template:Spellpen 68
Template:SpellPower 69
Template:Stability 70
Template:Starter 71
Template:Stat 72
Template:Striding 73
Template:Stunning 74
Template:TemporarySpellPower DEPRECATE as MERGED into Template:SpellPower 75
Template:Tempspellamp DEPRECATE as REPLACED with Template:TempSpellAmp then Template:SpellPower 76
Template:TempSpellAmp DEPRECATE as REPLACED with Template:SpellPower 77
? ? ? Template:Toughness 78
Template:TrueSeeing 79
Template:Underwater Action 80
Template:Vertigo 81
Template:Vorpal DEPRECATED as MERGED into Template:Dmg 82
Template:Wand Maximizing 83
Template:Weapon 84
Template:WFABonus 85
Template:Wizardry 86

Pages in category "Item description templates"

The following 187 pages are in this category, out of 187 total.