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Category:Advance to level 15 reward items/Tiefling Scoundrel

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Item Race Type Enhancements
Belt of the Scoundrel
Belt of the Scoundrel.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Belt 
Scuffed Scoundrel's Boots
Scuffed Scoundrel's Boots.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Boots 
Scoundrel's Bracers
Scoundrel's Bracers.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Bracers 
Fortified Fiddle
Fortified Fiddle.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Buckler shield 
Scoundrel's Half-Cloak
Scoundrel's Half-Cloak.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Cloak 
Scoundrel's Leathers
Scoundrel's Leathers.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Cosmetic Armor 
Scuffed Long-Gloves
Scuffed Long-Gloves.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Gloves 
Scoundrel's Lenses
Scoundrel's Lenses.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Goggles 
Scoundrel's Feathered Hat
Scoundrel's Feathered Hat.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Helm 
Scoundrel's Duelist's Leathers
Scoundrel's Duelist's Leathers.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Leather 
Tiefling Scoundrel Light Crossbow 
Fanciful Necklace
Fanciful Necklace.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Necklace 
Flametouched Fiddle
Flametouched Fiddle.png
Any Quiver 
Fine Finesse
Fine Finesse.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Rapier 
Scoundrel's Bangle
Scoundrel's Bangle.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Ring 
Scoundrel's Ring
Scoundrel's Ring.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Ring 
Lockup Property Log
Lockup Property Log.png
Tiefling Scoundrel Trinket 
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