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Carum Imer

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Carum Imer.jpg

Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Rakshasa (List)

Monster Manual classification: Rakshasa

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy

Rare: No

CR:  ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite

Special Qualities: Evasion, DR  ♦10Epic Normal/Piercing + Good


When you are making your way to the top of the prison, if you talk to him, he will say:

  • Carum Imer: Stop wasting my time and find the relic.

After you talk to Grim Goodbellows about the locked door, you can return and ask him for the key.

  • Carum Imer: Did you find it yet? Do you have the relic?
  • You: No, but I did find a locked door. Grim Goodbellows said you took the key...
  • Carum Imer: Oh yes, well, the gold key. I just might have found it, but why would I want to give it to you? It's obviously important, and if I find the relic myself, riches unimaginable will be mine.
    • You: (Diplomacy roll) Why waste your time hunting a relic you probably don't even care about. You stay here and stand your post, I'll go and do all the dirty work.
      • Carum Imer: (Failure)
      • Carum Imer: (Success)
    • You: (Intimidate roll) If you don't give me that key you'll never make it out of this place alive.
      • Carum Imer: (Failure) No! You will not take the key from me! I shall kill you all!
      • Carum Imer: (Success)
    • You: (Bluff roll) How about you give me the key, I'll open the room, and then when I find the relic we can turn it in together.
      • Carum Imer: (Failure)
      • Carum Imer: (Success)
    • You: I see no need for you to give it to me when I'd rather pry it from your cold dead paw. (Start battle)
      • Carum Imer: ????????????
    • You: Ok. You keep your key for now. (Walk away)

If you open the door without his key, when you go back and talk to him, he say:

  • Carum Imer: Did you find it yet? Do you have the relic?
    • You: I opened the... you know what, never mind.
  • Carum Imer: Inform me immediately of what you uncover!