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Carum Imer
Type: Evil Outsider (List)
Monster Manual classification: Rakshasa
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Color Type: Orange - Named Enemy
Rare: No
CR: ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite
Special Qualities: Evasion, DR ●♦10Epic Normal/Piercing + Good
- The Prison of the Planes — Can be fought if you fail on the skill check for the key.
- Return to Prison of the Planes — Can be fought if you fail on the skill check for the key. — CR: ●♦26Epic Normal ●♥30Epic Hard ●♠37Epic Elite
When you are making your way to the top of the prison, if you talk to him, he will say:
- Carum Imer: Stop wasting my time and find the relic.
After you talk to Grim Goodbellows about the locked door, you can return and ask him for the key.
- Carum Imer: Did you find it yet? Do you have the relic?
- You: No, but I did find a locked door. Grim Goodbellows said you took the key...
- Carum Imer: Oh yes, well, the gold key. I just might have found it, but why would I want to give it to you? It's obviously important, and if I find the relic myself, riches unimaginable will be mine.
- You: (Diplomacy roll) Why waste your time hunting a relic you probably don't even care about. You stay here and stand your post, I'll go and do all the dirty work.
- Carum Imer: (Failure)
- Carum Imer: (Success)
- You: (Intimidate roll) If you don't give me that key you'll never make it out of this place alive.
- Carum Imer: (Failure) No! You will not take the key from me! I shall kill you all!
- Carum Imer: (Success)
- You: (Bluff roll) How about you give me the key, I'll open the room, and then when I find the relic we can turn it in together.
- Carum Imer: (Failure)
- Carum Imer: (Success)
- You: I see no need for you to give it to me when I'd rather pry it from your cold dead paw. (Start battle)
- Carum Imer: ????????????
- You: Ok. You keep your key for now. (Walk away)
- You: (Diplomacy roll) Why waste your time hunting a relic you probably don't even care about. You stay here and stand your post, I'll go and do all the dirty work.
If you open the door without his key, when you go back and talk to him, he say:
- Carum Imer: Did you find it yet? Do you have the relic?
- You: I opened the... you know what, never mind.
- Carum Imer: Inform me immediately of what you uncover!