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Basic two-handed weapons

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Weapon Base Value Weight Proficiency Damage and Type Critical Profile Weapon Type
Falchion 75 gp 8 lbs Martial 2d4 Slash 18-20/x2
Great Axe 20 gp 12 lbs Martial 1d12 Slash 20/x3
Great Club 5 gp 8 lbs Martial 1d10 Bludgeon 20/x2
Great Sword 50 gp 8 lbs Martial 2d6 Slash 19-20/x2
Maul 12 gp 8 lbs Martial 1d10 Bludgeon 20/x3
Quarterstaff 1 cp 4 lbs Simple 1d6 Bludgeon 20/x2