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The Aurum
This article is underlinked: This article needs more links to other articles to help integrate it into the encyclopedia. Please help improve this article by adding links that are relevant to the context within the existing text. (February 2016)
The Aurum is a shadowy alliance of some of the wealthiest citizens of Khorvaire, The Aurum has their headquarters in the Mror Holds, a place known as Krona Peak. Only few people know of the organization and even fewer knows that it is anything more than an organization of wealthy people with interests in history.
Members of the Aurum wear eight rings of a varying metal (copper, silver, gold or platinum, depending on their rank) at all times, a tradition derived from the dwarves. Each ring has the same value as 10 coins of the same metal.
The Aurum are described a bit in the Eberron novel "The Shard Axe".
The Aurum in the Eberron Wiki :