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Artifact bonus
Having witnessed an ancient artifact, your mind soars and your body strengthens.
Artifact bonus is a rare bonus type, mostly available granted by item sets. This bonus stacks with all other bonuses.
With Update 17, many previously untyped bonuses have been typed as artifact bonus and thus they no longer stack with each other. This change was retroactive and affected existing items.
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Originally Posted by Cordovan (Contribs • Message • Email • Cordovan) String exceeds 1,000 character limit for automatic parsing of Having consistent classifications for set bonuses also makes it easier for new and existing players to understand what benefits are available to them. Players could upgrade to a higher-level set bonus that included a higher damage bonus, for example, or choose to use a completely different set bonus that is more in-line with their current character's level and goals. The +4 damage bonus from Greater Vulkoor's Might and +4 damage bonus from the Planar Focus: Prowess (or +3 bonus from Knight's Loyalty), for example, should probably never have stacked together, but did due to their classification as an untyped bonus. While it's true that some characters who have used these sets together will lose +4 of their damage bonus, the intent is to offer a wider diversity of set bonuses in the future, and allow the development team to better scale dungeons with the power level of player characters. If we do find that some item sets become [disproportionally] underutilized as a result of this change, we may consider individually buffing those set bonuses in a future patch. I should also note that not all set bonuses are becoming Artifact bonuses. Set bonuses that already had a specific classification will keep that type. |
Certain Guild Airship amenities used to grant artifact bonus. With Update 22, most/all amenities were changed to grant guild bonus instead.