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Armnok <Warband Leader>

Type: Orc (List)

Race: Orc (List)

Monster Manual classification: Orc

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♦5Normal ♥7Hard ♠10Elite

Attack: Maul (Bludgeoning), Dart (Piercing), Spells -  Hold Person, Sound Burst, Bull's Strength, Bane, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate WoundsNormal Electric Loop, Contagion (Shakes), Cure Serious WoundsHard Lightning Bolt, Unholy Blight, Curse, Dispel Magic, Inflict Serious WoundsElite

Special Qualities: Spellcasting (Wizard), Spellcasting (Cleric)


Description: Armnok is the leader of the warband raiders attacking Nash Braza's farmstead. He is a powerful spellcaster who can cast spells from both arcane and divine spell lists. Accompanied by a large number of orc support troops on elite, his fight can be one of the most difficult fights for low level characters. Defeating him awards a chest which can drop the Crude Bauble.