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Anceia d'Lyrandar

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NPC AnceiadLyrandar.jpg

Name: Anceia d'Lyrandar <Captain>

Race: Half-Elf

Gender: Female

Location: Guild Airships, Top Deck

Description: All members of House Lyrandar are half elves, but Anceia is a very elven looking half elf. Known for captaining every Guild Airship in Eberron, Anceia can be found by the helm on the top deck. She will drop guild members and their guests off at any Airship Tower and many Farshifter locations across Eberron.

Anceia d'Lyrandar: Do you wish to disembark? We can make for a spire, or our Farshifter can send you to other locations.

Note: The Farshifter locations will only be available if the Guild owns the Level 11 Farshifter's Chamber amenity